Friday, September 16, 2022

Rabbonim Letter Against Musical Selichos

 A letter signed by senior Rabbonin Eretz Yisrael and by Rav Gershon Eidelstein strongly opposes the selichos concerts with musical accompaniment. The letter calls on the organizers, musicians and baalei tefilah to refrain from this new pirtzah. 


I went to shul heard a fiery speech from the Rav, the chazzan began the traditional kadish to the tune of yomim noraim, fathers with sleepy eyed children, old and young were in the audience all asking for forgiveness as we get ready for the Yom Hadin. When it was over we went home. There were no photographers, no guitars, no organ, no cello, no musical

instruments, no dancing, no entertainment, no carlebach nusach no kumzitz. It was a simple selichos recital seen in many shuls across the world the way it was done last year, and the year before, with the authentic nusach. But you wont see a video of it on the websites because its just perhaps too old fashioned or not newsworthy. Not here to take away or make light of what others do but we have become a man bites dog society.



  1. Can people of HV Please post where I can find a Slichos that takes the regular 20-25 min on Motzei Shabbos. 45 min. Slichos Without the zemiros etc. is a bit too much for some of us.

  2. besides the last sentence, agree 100 %

  3. Please post all the “livelier” selichos options, time and loc
    Some people won’t go at all without them
    If it’s not your cup up tea then you can stay away
    No reason to detract from what works for others
    Not everyone can handle the heaviness, guilt and fear some approach Elul/yamim noraim with
    As a matter of fact sefardim chant chatanu
    HaShem wants us to be in a healthy and happy state of mind so we feel we’re better than all the regrettable stuff we may have engaged in
    We do shiva dnchemta before teshuva
    We first need the consolation
    Let’s not engage in the following definition of immorality : the morality of those who are having a better time

    1. There's an exclusive poolside selichos with full bar and cigar rolling, but if you don't know when and where, you obviously are not invited.

    2. If normal selichos is too hard ,better off for some to skip entirely
      Have a communal couple moments of contemplative silence which would accomplish more than “livelier” party selichos

    3. Correct better to stay home and do what you can than to start making concerts and Parties
      Because as the letter stated it is Poretz Geder for Klal Yisroel and other people learn from it and before you know it it becomes the norm

    4. Conservatives made the same argument "if we don't allow people to drive to shul they won't come to shul and drive anyways "
      We know how that worked out.
      Don't bring Yiddishkeit down for people who aren't holding by it.
      Hopefully they'll come around and appreciate selichos the way it's supposed to be

    5. כל המוסיף גורעSeptember 17, 2022 at 7:24 PM

      The problem is when you compare driving to shul on shabbos to making a lively self-hosted!
      That's is a bigger chillul hashem to twist the torah and make a minhag look like ikrei hadas!
      Personally I think the rabbanim were mislead by well meaning people.
      Let's understand no true ben torah/Yeshivaman is going to say selichot at bet hakneset hagadol or look for another musical selichot.
      Is a frum person who struggles with davening, not deserving of the same non-judgementalism that a baal teshuva would receive!

    6. כל המוסיף גורעSeptember 17, 2022 at 10:06 PM

      *lively selichos

  4. This letter is quite parve, unlike the headlines that are surrounding it in some of the Charedi press.
    They encourage people to stop it and return to the normative way of saying Selichos, the way it was intended.

  5. And they wonder why kids go OTD. Can't deviate. Forbidden

  6. I was always wondering why kids go OTD. Now I know. Thank you for clearing this up for us.

  7. Wondering how come so many profess to be On the D but empty hallow inside. Far from comparing to this relatively less issue the answer is still sort of Simple: do whatever wherever you like nowadays and unnecessary to give heed to any restrictive guidance.Put on a white shirt or a skirt and it will become acceptable afterwards
