Monday, September 19, 2022

Selichos Times This Week Night Minyanim

Minyanim for Selichos week before Rosh Hashana Elul 5782 Lakewood. chatzos is 12:50 am.

Please add times and corrections in the comments

- Stolin Maariv 9:45 10:00 pm Selichos

- Chestnut shul 12:50am

- Alumnai B"M  12:50 am

- BMG ashkenaz/Sefard minyan 12:50 am

- Premishlan 1007 central avenue 12:50 am

- Mordys Shteible 12:45 am

- Lutzk Maariv 12:30 Selichos 12:45am

- 1620 W County line after 10:00 pm Maariv

- Berditchev Kloiz 10:00 pm

- Roberts shul KNA downstairs 10:15 pm

-B"M Tehila Ledovid Pudheitz 65 Havens Ct Oak & Vine Maariv 9:45 pm Selichos 10:00 pm

-(B"M  of South Albert  minyan for slichos every night  at 11:15)

- Minyan Shelanu 10:30 pm


  1. Selichos may not be said before 11pm approximately

    1. In new sefer just published with pesakim from Rav Dovid Feinstein it says 11:00
