Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Hashkafa Q&A

 Hashkafa Q&A with Reb Gershon Ribner shlita

Sharp clashes between Rav M. Feinstein and Satmer Rav Z”L What value does an OTD child have to their parents Staying animated by listening to sports while driving A contemplative husband handling his wife’s spontaneity Rambam’s perception how one who is a sinner and an idiot dances with a Sefer Torah (with sequel)


  1. I heard that R Moshe wrote 3 teshuvos on the ivf from a non jew issue, which was a watershed teshuva for couples where the male was impotent, and, after getting extreme pushback, as in having his seforim burned and being publicly shamed from satmar associated groups, and being threatened with more, he finally bowed to the mob and wrote that although he stands behind the psak it shouldn’t be used at this point

    I don’t know if it’s true but I heard some satmerers themselves have used this heter

    As an aside, if their overall disagreement is as R Ribner says, ie essentially unadulterated Halacha as interpreted by R Feinstein vs how the Satmar Rav felt things should be, I’m not sure where personal bias comes into the equation if not based on legitimate halachic issues

    In any case, great story with the coffee table, he was famously sharp

    1. Halacha
      in theoretical vacuum
      vs long-term effects on our destiny and impact which need to be calculated
      Though your contention is warranted

    2. Not quite sure what you mean
      - halacha is not theoretical, it’s as practical as it comes
      - vacuum? I’d hardly refer to the gigantic corpus of the oral and written Torah, as has come down to us through the millennia, as a vacuum
      - That seems to be the whole point of the halachic system, that HaShem continues to guide us, albeit without explicit revelation, via our greats trying their best to determine what He wants us to do as new situations arise that haven’t yet been dealt with in the halachic literature, through mining the Torah that He did give us, not our personal intuition, to determine our best course of action. That seems to be our best bet of staying the sinaitic course.

      If it realistically a gzeirah, takanah or cheirum that the Rebbe had in mind, then let him call it what it truly is, it should not be dressed up as halacha, with legitimate halachic decisions being attacked, when it is truly an extrahalachik consideration


      Pini Dunner goes through the sugya re RMF and SR b'arichus.
      The scariest part of RMF, in the SR view, was that all the chassideshe rabonim were gravitating to R' Moshe because of his vast knowledge and his clarity


    4. Anon,
      On several accounts incorrect.Although we might nearly concur practically-your final sentence in particular.

      'in the deepest strata of halachic thinking, logical judgement is preceded by value judgement,and intuituive insight gives impetus to the logic of argument"

      halacha is surely part of the system though to be weighed sparingly for
      those with a distinguished record and a danger in the wrong hands
      How to work the tension:kedoshim tihiyu vs baal tosef vs kol hamoseph mi'garei'a vs obligation to mesaken gedarim, would be classic example

    5. That quote sounds like pretty heavy left wing “Halacha is already decided before the posek even analyses the relevant sources” stuff
      Obviously there’s sometimes unconscious bias at play at times, and ultimately there are times when there are a few legitimate ways of deciding, however to be aware of it and use the Halacha to get what you’ve already decided emotionally preflop is an issue

    6. touchè ..Does from a source with origin to the left.. however larger subtle factors eg r'yochanam Ben avkulos & bar kamtza

    7. ..not discussing where bias is sociological or internal as by many cultural groupings it often is who had/have other lodestars besides the pristine pure DiN

      Having said all that
      Haskapha we brought with us from yesteryear does inform decisions with netzach Yisroel applications for tomorrow

    8. this was a very complex issue, It wasn't just strict halacha but the father is not the real father, yichud and mamzerus and many other repercussions had to be take into consideration. there were many rabonim opposed who wrote tshuvos. many don't realize what the meaning of a "heter" is, R' moshe stood by his position and wrote extensively about this. R' moshe wasn't pressured into anything, but he didn't print the follow up tshuvos in the igros moshe. he printed it (in his lifetime) in the dibros on kesuvos, and wrote on the heading on top והן להלכה ולא למעשה and he ends one of the letters with these words פעם אחת בא מעשה לידי ולא התרתי. (by the way if you compare the original tshuva to the one R' moshe published he removed the sharp language that he wrote to the chelkas yaakov.)
      there are many other points to consider, the satmar rebbe wrote at length that we have to consider the previous poskim and their decisions, like the noda byhuda chasam sofer etc. and not just pasken from the gemara.
      see darkei moshe last weeks parsha someone from chicago asked r' moshe a shaila r' moshe responded is there no one in chicago to ask, so he said I am looking for a kulah R' moshe responded someone who is a maikel is a פושע ישראל.
      much in halacha ramifications have to be considered. R' moshe osserd timers on shabbos because he felt you can run an entire factory, he said chazal would have asserd it. ultimately most didn't accept this psak because it isn't inherently a problem just a gezaira.

  2. Meharer achray rabo. And who said r moshe didn’t have a hashkofo

    1. He didn't say that.
      However those closest to him on and off the Moetzes would also try to raise it with him.

  3. We should be careful and stop while we're ahead.Ch"v should we be pogem at all in his kavod

  4. How do gedolim attain they’re hashkafa

  5. The listeners laugh at the story with the Mechitza and Reb Moshe. Where are they from? Every bochur once knew these stories at the age of 15, what happened nowadays? Are they all busy with politics and sports? Don't they know our basic culture?

  6. 1. There is no such Halacha that you can't walk behind your wife.
    2. Women are allowed to make decisions for the husband, especially if the decisions are unimportant. Let her decide whether to go for a walk, where to go for Shabbos and other such unimportant matters.
    3. The whole question is nonsense mit lokshen.

    1. Gemara brachos states that one should not walk behind wife

    2. No such Halacha. Learn the entire Sugya, not quotes.
