Monday, September 5, 2022

OK Kosher: Customers of Chinese Express should Kasher their Keilim

 The OK Kosher supervision has released a statement regarding the formerly Kosher Chinese Express store in Manalapan losing their Hashgacha.

After intense and careful investigation into recent allegations surrounding kosher Chinese Express of Manalapan NJ(Chinese Express) we wish to inform the public that OK Kosher is no longer supervising the restaurant and we have been informed that they are no longer operational

In consultation with poskim it is recommended that customers of Chinese express  that  have purchased any of their products in the past 6 months and used any of their personal utensils are advised to kasher those utensils. Please reach out to your personal Rav for guidance and further instructions. 

We are deeply saddened by this revelation and are appreciative to the keen observer who brought this to our attention.

ויהי רצון שלא תצא מכשול מתחת ידינו ובברכת כתיבה וחתימה טובה


  1. The problem that we have with repackaging meat and chicken is huge.
    We should start buying like in E.Y. closed package from the manufacturer.
    The OK have to make .חשבון הנפש
    Any hashgacha should contact the manufacturer to see if they are buying more or less.

  2. Were they selling only non kosher or was some kosher as well?

  3. Very scary. The OK should shut down the division that gives hashgachos to food establishments until they can figure out where their systems failed. This is a massive failure on their part. You can't be a tomim when giving a hashgacha, especially.....

  4. 16 years to the day of the Monsey meat scandal

  5. We need cheaper prices on kosher meat so store owners won't have this nisayon. As prices of hashgacha and food for up people look to cut corners. There should be subsidized affordable meat and chicken with gevirim covering costs making it available with better hashgachos.

    1. If you have to hire shochtim who are trained, yereim and shleimim, and if each animal yields only the forequarter, which is where the kosher cuts are, how can you possibly compete with the price of non-kosher? And the suggestion that gevirim should subsidize the costs is outrageous. there are so many critical needs for the gevirim to support, such as Chinuch. Should your rich neighbour sponsor your Tomahawk steak? Eat chicken if beef is expensive.

  6. There is no name or signature on the sTationary. No current leadership either. 2ndly the store was owned and operated by goyim and they had keys and access?!?

  7. What are you supposed to ask a rov?
    There is no transparency in this statement what exactly happened?
    Was there vaday Tarfus in the store?
    Why only six months?

  8. This is a pretty bad letter. Firstly, there is no signature on it. No one is taking any responsibility. Second, they are saying this for sure went back 6 months. I would guess, that it went on even longer then that. The question is how did it go on so long in noticed?? This is a major breakdown in modern day Kashrus. It can only be described as neglect. I’m not an overly frum or yeshivish person. I ate there last week and I’m sick to my stomach at the thought of eating trief. If you ask me, the OK should shut down. They obviously cannot control their establishments. It kind of makes me wonder what other issues they have in their factories.

  9. Letter from OK after the monsey scandal.

    1. Who is running the show today at the OK. The previous generation were kashrus pioneers

  10. Why do the frum news sites put their logo on the letter that is a public letter.

  11. Who is named poskim?

  12. Just a few hours ago they were confident that there was no non kosher meat sold at the store. What changed?

    1. You gotta understand the game.

  13. Yudel Shoon claims the same family owns and operates more kosher Chinese restaurants. Any truth to this?

    1. Ask him when buying hadasim

    2. He likes to scream afterwards. Why try to stop a potential issue, that's no fun, it's more fun to scream afterwards and say see I warned you.

    3. Yudel has warned about this location for years. This is not a case of after the fact.

    4. And now he's "warning" about other locations but not naming them, when another inevitable kashrus scandal will break, he'll claim that's the I warned about. He's full of it. The only reason he complained about this store is because he lost their business about 10 ago! Talk about negiyos! This is nothing more than a broken clock being right twice a day.

    5. Yudel Shain removed his hashgocha from that restaurant when the co-certifier, OK labs, gave the previous Chinese owner the key to the restaurant door. Until that day , the owner and staff waited for the mashgiach to open the store, per Rabbi Shain's rules.

  14. Did they raise prices over the past year like all kosher restuarants did?

  15. Why is the KCL silent and not issuing any statements or guidance this happened right in their backyard and hundreds or thousand from Lakewood have bought food from the place

  16. What do you want from kcl? Why should they say anything?
