Friday, September 9, 2022

Gezeiras Hachinuch in New York State

 The NY State Dept of Education has said today it plans to dictate the curriculum and faculty of private schools and yeshivos. The Board of Regents announced that yeshivas and nonpublic schools in New York state will have to be brought into compliance with a list of regulations or face closure. See regulations Here

Kol Haolam reports: "The schools, the board said," will have to prove by December 1, 2023, that they are substantially equivalent to local public schools in a range of issues. If not, a process will ensue and can result in the education commissioner declaring the school as "not a school." Parents will be notified that if they continue sending there they may be subject to child negligence charges and the school's funding will be yanked.

"At its heart, the board made the claim" that government, not parents, are the one who may decide how children should be taught. "The argument that parents have an unfettered right to dictate the degree of education their children receive has been repeatedly rejected by State and federal courts."

"The regulations are the next twist" on a long running saga into a system widely seen as excellent but which was sued by a dozen former students who left Yiddishkeit. It is certain to be the subject of a lawsuit.
The state will proceed to vote this coming Monday to pass the new regulations.

Statement from Pearls organization;


  1. Thank you Agudah for your constant support of liberal democrats who are solely responsible for this. All for gelt. Now klal yisrael suffers and no one cares about the campaign cry8ng wolf when Agudah supported Cuomo and others who champion hashchasa rrtzicha and toaiva.
    This one is on you!!

  2. What about the Mosdos that endorsed Hochul for Governor now?

  3. They endorse democrats.
    This is the price .
    Sad !

  4. Get ready for lakewoods real estate to go even higher

  5. Don't listen to Rabbi miller u suffer

  6. So YU wins (at least temporarily) with the Supreme Court injunction, while the heilige temimusdike chassidishe moisdois suffer a defeat. Maybe we should stop trying to one-up each other with Jewish Observer articles from thirty years ago and realize that the people pushing these agendas are against every halacha-keeping Jew and won't stop no matter what type of hat you wear?

  7. In addition to worthwhile comments above we should add:our choshuve movers and shakers lack of proactive coalition-making Interests which brought this upon us as usual.
    When relevant bills (though Askanim will dismiss as far fetched ) in Albany and Trenton are tabled for entities far removed from us, they comfortably smug downplayed effects..[while social conservative non Jews used to be surprised-where are you guys? ]
    Until it would hit home.Then the whining and crying starts.

    First they they came ..,
    Then they came for ..,
    then they came for..

  8. What did the uneducated Chassid tell the educated college professor?

    Your rent is due on the first of every month. Tanks you.
