Sunday, September 4, 2022

Oif Simchas Sunday ח' אלול

- Quedoshim - Toledano N'eemas Hachaim
- Wolfson -  Rivkin Kesser Moshe Yehuda
- Soloff - Rosenberg Fountain Ballroom 
- Zupnick  - Heisler Bais Faiga
- Lefkowitz - Falik Lake Terrace

1 comment:

  1. Aisle 9 has been calling the police and putting stickers on card parked along 10th street where the signs say it is a loading zone. In reality the township only approved it for Sundays. Ths signs are also misleading as trhey left out the Sunday part. This is parking which is used by the Yeshiva students for many years (since the Cheder left).
    See here
