Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Hashkafa Q&A

 Hashkafa with Reb Gershon Ribner Shlita

Is there an area in avoda where bal habatim can surpass bnei torah Child claims he’s deprived, parent says its overindulgence Sacrifice one must make for his chavrusa’s opportunity Knowledge that serves as a bedrock of prolific creativity Illustrations of Tzaddikim being sneaky and devious


  1. Worrisome slippery slope even assuming "illustrations" can be extrapolated and accurate in the very narrow sense

  2. With all due respect what is he even talking about? Does he think working people are just stealing and engaged in gilui arayos the whole day? Seriously?

    1. Why with respect when it isn't recepticated. The misha in avos says איזהו מכובד, המכבד את הבריות.

    2. Listen again rav Ribera quoted a Chagall that says there is a chemda for gezel and arayos witch every person in the workforce is exposed to on a day to day basis doesn't mean it actually happens.. it means that there are situations where a person out in the work field can possibly do the wrong thing benoigeia gelzel and arayos

    3. wow. maybe listen carefully before getting all heated up and possibly bringing big tzaaros on yourself with one sentence. What he said- very clearly- is that people in the workforce are being omed in these nisyonos all day. Exactly the opposite of what you somehow heard. He is calling people in the workforce walking kiddush hashems all day long- that was his entire point! because they have a bigger opportunity for these things, but they don't do them!
      same regarding anonymous who knows a mishna in avos.

    4. Lol, he should stop by the 'frum' offices

    5. While Chagall was an interesting painter,he's hardly worth quoting

  3. Listen to what he says, he thinks all working people are faced with gezel and arayos all day. I’ve been working for many years amongst goyim and he has no clue what he’s talking about. If you are faced with such nisyonos every day when you go to work it may be time for a career change.

  4. Last one reminds me of hl menckens line
    that : “Morality is doing what is right, no matter what you are told. Religion is doing what you are told, no matter what is right”

  5. Aha so a guy working in an office is faced with available arayos all day. I have a bridge to sell you.

  6. If anything the problem is bigger in frum offices. The goyim working in offices are not the low lives you think they are.

  7. The yetzer Hora for arayos is very strong but when you make gedarim and separation it minimizes it. The problem is in frum offices that don't have any guidelines or protocols and it is one happy family.

  8. Did Rabbi Ribner ever work in a secular office?

    I worked in more than one for many years and no way is there the opportunity for arayos on a constant basis. And as far as gezel is concerned a yungerman on programs is far more likely to be nichsol in gezel than a baal habos who isn’t on them

  9. Mr cohen did you ever work in a secular office to have an opinion? Based on your comments you haven’t so you have no idea what you’re talking about. If you did maybe you were unlucky.

    1. I have been in frum offices, fortunately. However female relatives who spent 35 + years in non Jewish offices in Manhattan etc have different stories to tell.

  10. Anyone that ever worked in a secular office (at least in the professional world) knows that we are not faced with arayos all day. This whole argument is stupid and is trying to open the eyes of blind naive dummies.

  11. Why are you talking to your female relatives about this? If you had gedarim you wouldn’t.

    1. Who told you Y for Y Cohen means Yanky or Yitzchok? Maybe it's Yocheved? Maybe Mr Cohen is a woman? Maybe he/she identified as a woman while talking to his/her relatives.

    2. Heaven forbid to even make an assumption for anyone here to play those perverted games. Y is assuredly male

      iirc males also..One of my more modern relatives through marriage would slip on a [male] ring for years when he would go to work,to keep the shikses away.
