Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Hashkafa Q&A Rosh Hashana

Hashkafa Q&A with Reb Gershon Ribner Shlita

The Yeshiva Movement's stance towards Rosh Hashana in Uman A dreadful life of sin- using intimidation tactics on your spouse (with sequel) Why is everyone surrounding me more inspired than me What justifies a maggid shiur being rude and intolerant of interjections

When personal and social obligations interfere with sedorim


  1. the answer to the uman question was a "pircha meikara" in his own words "he never asked a erliche person" and " on the top of my head" . u may answer and may have an opinion and it may be correct but it needs to be based on research , and ofcourse bmg is a big hisorerus ...

  2. I thought he covered a lot of the common reasons I've heard people say why they go

  3. Interesting as didnt answer the question- it's obvious that the issue the yeshiva- litvish world has with uman is not that they arent davening in Bmg - there are thousands a d thousands of ppl who dont daven in bmg and the yeshiva - litvish world has no issue with it and are amongst them

  4. They go to get away from this nagging wives, and party with pizza, fallafal, disco concerts, drinking, drugs, cheap shik... Etc etc

  5. It is also hard to breathe in the yashon, it is so hot on YT!

  6. Why do you daven there? Daven in a normal shul
