Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Lakewood Girls Schools to start on schedule

 Unlike previous years when the opening day of girls high schools and elementary was postponed until all girls were accepted, this year the schools are starting on time. It is not clear though if all girls were  placed or if there are some girls waiting to be accepted. This year more classes opened up in high schools for 9th grade making room for graduating 8th graders. In previous years the numbers of girls not accepted in September was in the 20 -60 range and it would drag on until chanukah. B"H the issue has hopefully been dealt with as more schools and classes opened up. Some schools are starting today with a half day schedule.


  1. Does anybody understand why all schools don't start today. Can someone enlighten me why most schools only start on Wednesday ( and then playgroups only start on Thursday because they maybe have to go to their child's primary orientation)

  2. In the near future all the selfish greedy girls high schools will have to beg girls to come

    1. I hope this happens sooner rather than later.

    2. Our systym is completely dysfunctional and not working when getting a girl into high school is literally a gehenom ahd horrible experience

    3. Arguably is worse as for the people who play right it's gan eden
      If was equal all around it would be halb tzarah

    4. Cohen - Why? Why should I want it to be geihenom for someone else, just because it is geihenom for me?
      That's a disgusting sevara


    5. There are those of us capable and have connections to play the the cards as well as they do, but don't-to an extent. Because it is improper, indecent, and a yid is not supposed to reek of selfishness.
      An astonishing statement,eh?
      We believe corruption will cause everything to deteriorate though it is enjoyable initially.
