Saturday, September 24, 2022

Motzei Shabbos Erev Rosh Hashana

 Selichos in BMG 6:30 AM friedman chabura 3:50am, vasikin minyan 4:30 am

10:15 tonight at 46 Broadway shul in Oak and Vine
10:00pm Stolin
10:15 Lutzk side building 
12:45 pm Lutzk B"M

Those that don't say all selichos recite the following for Erev Rosh Hashana

כג' כד' כה' כו' כט' לב' לד' לה' לח' אל תבא במשפט מ' פזמון 'מב

- NPGS, GG, Evergreen, Kosher west open. Pizza shops open for melava malka

- Judaica plaza open until 12:00am

- Bingo open this motzei shabbos from 8:30 pm - 2:00am will have kaporos for $5 on tzom Gedalia, knives available as a segula for parnassa erev R"H

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