Thursday, September 8, 2022

Ok Kosher update on Manalapan Chinese Restaurant Owner Admiited to Bringing in Treif Chicken & Meat

  The owner verbally admitted to bringing in non kosher items to the store since March 2022 during the nationwide chicken shortage. 

A signed letter by the OK executive Vaad hakashrus states that they had consulted through the investigation with Harav Menachem Weissmandel and he ruled that kashering is necessary of you reheated the food with your own equipment, consult your rav about kashering questions

The owner verbally admitted to bringing in non kosher items to the store in March 2022 during the nationwide chicken shortage 
empty boxes from non kosher chicken and meat were discovered by OK Kosher  rabbis in one of the communal dumpsters at the shopping plaza where the restaurant is located the neighboring restaurants were questioned and it was confirmed that the boxes were not their property and they had not used those products that wee in the videos. The owner was questioned about the boxes in the sumpster and at that point decided to permanently close the restaurant.. essentially acknowledging wrongdoing. The OK later obtained a verbal admission from the owner that he brought in small amounts of non kosher chicken and meat over an extended period of time. "We did not find physical proof of this but it seems that the products were somehow snuck in during operational  hours". 


  1. So the goy didn't have keys, he snuck the food in small quantities during hours. Probably was doing the same at the time Yudel Shaim was mashgiach too. Can't trust the goy it was only since the food shortage.

  2. How does food get snuck in with a mashgiach temidi?

  3. The treif meat could have been בטל בשישים if it was small amounts.
    He could have snuck it in in a random shopping bag while the mashgiach was busy checking the vegetables

  4. Because the mashgiach temidi was an old man sitting in front eating or sleeping. Not too hard to sneak something behind his back.

  5. How many chickens was he able to stuff in his hoyzin without the mashgiach realizing?!?

    How can we prevent a hoyzin stuff in the future? Will mashgichem have to start doing hoyzin checks?

  6. I feel there has to be clarification how in the world he was able to sneak it in if they want to prevent this in the future

  7. Yudel says owner had keys

    1. He's making up stories without any facts to back them up, as usual

    2. That is a disgusting comment. There’s a reason Rabbi Shain took off his Hashgocha from this place. Obviously he didn’t trust them already then. How do you have proof against Rabbi Shain??

    3. OK, put out a letter, rabbi shain called them liars without any basis. The burden on proof is on him, and you can sure it won't be coming, because it's all a made up tirade.

  8. 'Sneak in' a giant Costco box, oh please!!!

  9. Why do you have to kasher? Was most of the meat treife? What happened to כל דפריש מרובא פריש?

    1. גזירה שמה יקח מן הקבוע

    2. Discussions if this is a לקח מין הקבוע from what I remember the rashba in toras habais discusses it

  10. Who's foolish enough to believe it was small amounts? There was never a shortage that you were not able to get. It was simply more expensive. And by the way what does small amounts mean? Is 49 percent small amount?

    1. There was a big shortage after all the kosher Superbowl parties. Lasted for a few weeks. But once Mr. Chin saw how easy it was to sneak cheap treaf chicken in, he didn't stop.

  11. It should be allowed to sue the Hechsher. Someone with a severe allergy can sue a company if they mistakenly put gluten in a gluten free product. We should be able to sue a Hechsher the same way. For millions. Guaranteed it will never happen again.
