-Some have a minhag to purchase a new knife on Erev Rosh hashana as a segulah for parnassah. החותך חיים לכל חי
-The minhag is for men to fast on erev Rosh Hashana up to chatzos (12:49 pm in Lakewood)
-Some go to visit kivrei tzadikim on erev Rosh Hashana.
- To write a פרוזבול today at the end of שמיטה
-Minhag is to go to the mikva on erev yom tov.
- The bracha on candle lighting for Rosh Hashana is usually said lihadlik ner shol yom tov, without mention of Yom Hazikaron (some do say Yom Hazikaron)
hataras nedarim