Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Tuesday September 13 News Updates

 Weather: 83° Considerable clouds a stray shower or thunderstorm is possible. High 83F.

- N.J. weighs bringing back paper bags as unwanted reusable bags pile up a solution could be to amend the law to allow grocery delivery services in New Jersey to use paper bags or cardboard boxes for online orders

- Wall Street has worst day since June 2020 as inflation reading is hotter than expected; Dow drops more than 1,250 points.

- Daniel Goldman, Impeachment lawyer against Trump who recently won a contested Democratic primary seat that includesBoro park and had the suport of Bobov, said he hoped the schools would work to comply with the law, adding that the Times report “paints a damning picture of an inadequate secular education that does not comply with state law.”

- The New York State Board of Regents voted unanimously and without discussion to impose stricter regulations on Yeshivas and private schools, requiring them to start the process of complying with state standards by December 2023.

- Lakewood car accidents increased over bein hazmanim from July & August Faanews posted the data 

August 1 - August 31 a total of 438 crashes resulting in 43 injuries with 16 pedestrians struck and 0 fatalities.
July 1 - July 31 A total of 426 crashes resulting in 56 injuries with 19 pedestrians struck and 1 fatality.
Total for 2022 to date:
Total Crashes nearly 3,500
Fatalities 7
Pedestrian struck 89.
Lakewood officials continue to put blame on county and state for not putting up traffic signals at intersections prone to accidents. Local media played down the daily accidents claiming it is on average for the daily numbers in NJ. See full report

- Reb Chaim Kramer will speak about Uman Rosh Hashana for this coming year at Breslov B"M 423 6th street Lakewood 8:30 pm
-Ben Shapiro: "There are 1.1 million students in NYC public schools.The public school system there is a disaster; the NYT has supported policies that promote its failures. So the NYT is laser-focused on 50,000 students in private Hasidic boys schools. There's a reason for that. The media's new war on Hasidic Jewry is merely a metastasized version of the old culture war against evangelical Christians: anyone who rejects the predations of Left-wing pseudo-morality must be targeted. That theme undergirds the NYT investigation.I am very much in favor of solid English, math and science education for students of all stripes. But the NYT's specific focus is extraordinarily telling"

- Visa, MasterCard, Amex to Start Flagging All Sales from Gun Shops Nationwide

- Misaskim spokesperson R' Landau said the mission will continue with a board of directors that will further implement what R' Yanky Mier Z"L has started.

- Russia may strike back with nuclear weapons after Ukraine setbacks, former deputy Nato chief warns Kremlin could respond in ‘unpredictable ways’ to Kharkiv rout. as the Ukrainian counteroffensive continues. Ukrainian forces have recaptured 6,000 square kilometers (around 2,300 square miles) of land since the beginning of the month, which amounts to nearly 10% of the territory lost to the Russian offensive since February.

-  The Moetzes gedolei hatorah of the Degel hatorah faction in E"Y will meet today at the home of Rav Gershon Eidelstein to discuss the list of knesset members for the upcoming elections. For the first time Rav Dov Landau will be in attendance..

- As first reported by FAAnews the  Intersection improvement on Route 9 began last night with nightly road closures beginning in  Toms River Nightly road closures in Lakewood will begin in another few months.

- Rav Don Segal shlita continued his chizuk tour in the US last night addressing the Chicago Jewish community.

- Photos: Hundreds of Jews rallied in Albany  yesterday outside the NYS Department of Education building in  to protest the new substantial equivalency guidelines on private schools Signs read "We will sit in jail rather than change our children's education" "Torah education is not up for negotiation". Spokesperson Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro of the Rabbinical Union said all we ask is that you leave us our parental right to chose the education of our children.


  1. Why was Lakewood public works working late at night around 9:00PM, doing some sidewalk work on a county road by New Hampshire and Ridge ? Why at night with overtime and not during regular hours. What is the emergency? Why is Lakewood doing this and not the county? Interesting stuff. Why the need for this sidewalk? There is nothing there.... Does anyone know what is going on?

    1. i dont know if anything in particular is going on however from what i understand, the Lakewood DPW currently has crews working around the clock so when you see they crews working at night they might not be overtime.

    2. Why are we paying the DPW crews to work late at night on September 12th? I'm sure that it costs the taxpayers big in overtime to install sidewalks for someone's private property in an area that is not in any way dangerous. It sure seems like a connected individual was getting special favors in the dark of night when the residents wouldn't know.

      I know folks that have been trying for years to get sidewalks in truly dangerous areas and the township officials always have different excuses to not do anything. So, what's the emergency to provide this special favor on off-hours??

    3. Fact: Any DPW employee working at 9 pm is definitely getting overtime. Stop kidding yourself. There was something shady stuff going on there with 5 DPW vehicles doing a special favor to a connected developer.

    4. Did FAA OPRA the DPW to find out what is going on there?

    5. The entire neighborhood is hocking about in-the-dark-of-night DPW sidewalk activity in a section of Ridge Ave that doesn’t even need it.

      They should install the sidewalk on the stretch between Lanes Mill and New Hampshire where it’s actually needed.

      The only person benefitting from last night’s activity is the private developer.

    6. Pinemere

      Why are people so nosy about what their government employees are doing? Stop being so jealous that you don’t own good investment property. I own that place and I got it all under control. Just mind your own business and pay your property taxes.

  2. Does anyone know who is behind R Dons chizuk tour?

  3. Anyone who goes to uman this year is דמו בראשו

    1. Why? Because western propaganda has convinced you that Russia is trying to commit "genocide" of Ukrainian.

    2. Nothing dangerous about traveling uman, or catching polio virus, it's all just propoganda.

  4. Any new updates from OK? Have they made any changes in the other stores they certify?

  5. Shame we don’t have bibi running nys
    Won’t be long before jersey puts something similar in place

  6. Interesting how rumor has it that R Hunter was a big fan of the belzer rebbe, they’re both somewhat pro secular studies, and yet chaim berlin and belz had a big falling out over belz bais hamikdash site which chaim berlin wanted for yeshivas pachad yitzchok

    1. Do you make an asher yootzer after each comment, or only once at the end of the day?

  7. Why not go to uman for rh? Where is your emuna?

    1. My emuna is in Hashem, and I daven to him from wherever I am בכל קראינו אליו, no need to travel

    2. My emunah is in Hkbh and his Torah. Hkbh's Torah says vchai bahem, Hkbh's Torah forbids a sakanah.

  8. R nachman will protect you

  9. Did kw start selling seats for rh?

  10. As our education comes under scrutiny, I hope all parents and students remember that they are in the spotlight and offset the negative impression made of our chinuch. And the best way is by behaving with the utmost derech eretz to all rebbeim, morahs and teachers. ...

    1. Anon 3:14,

      Who is it that you want to read your comment?

  11. You could probably get a seat for free there. From what we I understand there Are plenty of empty seats there bh.

  12. The roadways are a Sakana but askanim keep quiet as the profits from building pour in. LNN used to report on the monthly MVA's but stopped when it was bought out by the voice of Lakewood.

  13. "leave off our parental rights "
    Should they?
    That would be Confederacy or anarchy and the end of the Republic if everyone keeps on making those claims to the nth degree
    Assuming they firmly believe the values they're going to battle for are correct, though it may seem more difficult they and we should stand up like the adult in the room and proclaim the demands as universal public justice.Concede otherwise

    1. Don't be cone head, there's freedom for everything and anything. Don't forget there were laws against sodomy etc. These laws didn't matter, why? Because freedom. All the physical mental and std harm that goes along with it, so what we need freedom. Mutilation of children in the name of freedom. But freedom to educate your children, no way let us suddenly enforce archic laws....

    2. 100% correct. Well said.
      Except you have it however backwards.As it was the incessant accelerating push for "rights"this and "rights" that -which we also took advantage of, continuously deteriorated the conceptual res publica and sped us down to where we are

  14. Wow! Goldman isn't in office yet, and it's just a few weeks since the Boro park frum community voted strongly for him in the primary and push him over the top. What a thank you!

  15. Forget about R Nachmsn, what about the pizza , felafal, drugs, shik...... And don't forget about the disco concert Moitze Rosh HaShana, and then there is tuoring around and canoing in Sofia during Aseres Yemey Teshuva

  16. We should not let the stores get paper bags approved! Let their shopping carts and baskets and shoplifting continue - they pushed for a paper bag ban so they wouldn't have to supply it for their customers - Instead of fighting the plastic Ban! Let them now enjoy their medicine!

  17. does Bingo have canvas sukkas? and if yes at what price?

  18. Don't know, but I do know they have plenty of tuna bagels!
