Thursday, September 8, 2022

BDE: R' Yanky Meyer Ztl

 Watch livestream HERE Petirah of noted askan R’ Yanky Meyer zt”l, founder and president of Misaskim. He was 58 years old. R’ Yanky had battled illness for the last while, and his condition deteriorated this week. Klal Yisroel has lost one of the most renowned oskim betzorchei tzibbur of our time, who reinvented what askanus and chesed mean, taking altruism and ahavas Yisroel to a different level, and serving as a role model for others to emulate.

Levaya will take place 1123 57th Street I'n Boro Park this morning at 10:30 am

Not a day – or night – went by that R’ Yanky was not called upon by someone, or some entity, in need of assistance, guidance, or chizuk. It would take a book to describe a small portion of R’ Yanky’s incredible chesed. Read more at Matzav

R’ Yanky was raised in Boro Park, learning at the Stoliner Yeshiva and Mirrer Yeshiva before

 5th⁵ Bais Medrash Govoah in Lakewood.< Even before he founded Misaskim, R’ Yanky was a dedicated Hatzolah volunteer, ⁷in the things he did. He had one motive: to help others, no matter who they were.

Ķ, R’ Yanky recognized a void and foundMisaskim to fill  void.  Read more at 

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