Sunday, September 18, 2022

Oif Simchas כ"ב אלול תשפ"ב

 Schron - Gelbman Lake Terrace
 Brody - Klugman Bais Faiga

Selichos at Stolin B"M 10:00pm e 7th st
Chestnut shul 12:55am
Alumnai B"M  12:55 am
-BMG ashkenaz/Sefard minyan 12:55 am
-Premishlan 1007 central avenue 12:50 am
- Mordys Shteible 12:45 am
- 1620 W County line after 10:00 pm Maariv
- Berditchev Kloiz 10:00 pm
 -Stolin 9:45 Maariv 10:00 pm Slichos
- Roberts shul KNA downstairs 10:15 pm
-B"M Tehila Ledovid Pudheitz 65 Havens Ct Oak & Vine Maariv 9:45 pm Selichos 10:00 pm
-(B"M  of South Albert  minyan for slichos every night  at 11:15)
- Minyan Shelanu 10:30 pm


  1. It's completely assur to say selichos before 11pm.

  2. What is the zman of 11:00 ?

    1. Start of second ashmura, two hours before chatzos, the earliest zman brought in poskim. When poskim write 10pm they are talking about 10pm standard time, which is 11pm daylight savings time.
