Thursday, June 30, 2022

Thursday June 30 Rosh Chodesh Tamuz News updstes

 Weather: Abundant sunshine. High 89F.

- Today Thursday Gov. Phil Murphy signed the largest state budget in New Jersey history of  $50.6 billion. GOP  responded, "This budget misses a historic opportunity to give back billions to taxpayers who are struggling with high taxes and inflation," said State Senate Republican Leader Steven Oroho.

- Waterdale collection announces to its customers they will minimize and stop using some features on their instagram page and push them to correspond via email ut they will still post stories on instagram but not as many as before. 

- Costco’s announcement that it will limit gasoline sales at its gas stations to members only starting July 5 doesn’t violate state consumer protection laws, state officials said Tuesday. Starting next week an active membership card would be required to buy gas.

- Over 600 people attended the Torah Umesorah retreat for rebbeim last week.

- Many high school girls still not accepted for upcoming year while camp has begun

- BDE: Petirah of Mrs. Gitty Greenberg A"h(nee Wahl lakewood) following an illness she was 36. A beloved lakewood morah who lived in the Raintree neighborhood. She leaves behind her husband R' Avromy and 8 children under 14 years old. The Levaya will take place this afternoon 2:30 pm at the Lakewood chapel on 7th street 

-  Lakewood township abolished the rent control board that dealt with landlord-tenant disputes though the committee promised to bring it back it never did. Instead Lakewood pays the nonprofit STEPS to settle disputes between landlords and tenants in the township, since the rent control board was disbanded in 2016.APP article questions if it has it been working

- Ocean county prosecutor announces a 32 count indictment of the Lakewood/ Jackson terrorist charges include terrorisim , attempted murder,attempted kidnapping,carjacking, and bias intimidation.

- Israeli Knesset dispersed,Yair  Lapid is prime minister from midnight tonight.

- Palestinian gunmen lightly injured one IDF officer and two civilians when they fired on a group of Israelis who had entered Nablus to pray at Joseph’s Tomb under escort from the IDF.


  1. What kind of chutzpah does the committee have to abolish the rent control board!
    These local politicians clearly don't care about the thousands of tenants in town. They only care about their rich developer/landlord friends.

  2. Ummm, the rent control board only covers units in buildings that have 5 or more units. Keep that in mind. Also you can't be a republican and ask for rent control.

    1. You are wrong. The rent control board has authority over all kinds of rentals. The Ordinance does not in any way restrict their control to a minimum number of units in a building.

      Also, rent control has nothing to do with a political affiliation. I'm a republican and I've always supported some level of regulation. People are not objects that can be mistreated and thrown about like a sack of potatoes.

    2. Well, you are not reading the law properly.

    3. Of course I'm quoting it properly. You are deluding yourself and doing a bad job at fooling others. Go read Chapter 14 of the Revised General Ordinances of the Township of Lakewood. And don't forget to remove your dirty sunglasses before you start reading. You might actually become smart.

    4. of course you can The classic main street Republican

  3. Who wants a rent control board? Then we can’t raise our tenant’s rent.
