Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Emergency Meeting of Rabbis and Doctors to Save the Kids 6

Emergency Meeting of Rabbis and Doctors to Save the Kids 6/21/22


  1. Why are you posting this garbage?

  2. what absolute garbage. these anti vaxxers are meshuga (at least) ledavar echad.
    אפילו על פתחו של גהינם אינם חוזרים בהם

    1. Just the opposite !! The crazed Vaccine crowd is Meshuga ledavar echad. Their obsession with this vaccine and how everything revolves around it is sickening.

  3. This has nothing to do with anti vaxxer you have main stream doctors that have woken up and no one is taking the vaccines anymore. The medical clinics stopped pushing it after seeing that it is ineffective and people who were triple boosted still got covid.

  4. I am a senior citizen who had Covid even after having both vaccines and the booster. I thank Hashem every day for these vaccines. My case of Covid was mild because of the vaccines. This made all the difference between my illness and the illnesses that friends and acquaintances who had Covid before vaccines. They were very, very ill and some are no longer with us. Doesn't anyone see this?!? The vaccines are a matana mishamayim and there are people who are throwing it back in Hashem's face!

    1. How do you know?

    2. Eh did anyone in your family ever have surgery
      how do you know

    3. The last view rounds of Covid were much more milder versions across the board, even for people not vaxxed. So no proof your vaccine did anything.
