Thursday, June 2, 2022

Adirei Hatorah Video

Preparations are underway at the Wells Fargo Arena in Philadelphia 


  1. sounds like the mir dinner media, they should change up the tone a bit

  2. Anyone know what the point of this is? Any reason we should go?

  3. And they spent all of that money on a campaign video, and they still haven't told us what is the purpose of this video.
    First, the propaganda about Reb Aaron Kotler, as though that had some bearing on this. And then a loud pile of nothing.
    Why should the Yungeleit of Yeshiva waste hours of their day? How is it acceptable to shlep Torah saturated heads for singing and dancing, speeches from anonymous people and badchanim? Have we lost our inner sense of what a Ben Torah is? Have we forgotten the true picture of a Talmid Chacham, someone whose only purpose to life is the pshat in Tosfos? How have we sunk so low?

  4. Yes, yes, & YES!!!

  5. The questions you raise are valid. The answer is simple though.

  6. Sadly, we seem to have lost the havchana of Bnei Torah. We allowed foreign influences to sully our olfactory senses, and we can no longer feel instinctively what is right and wrong. That is why yungeleit in Yeshiva signed up for stuff like this. Most of them know it's wrong, but because they cannot put their thoughts into words, they are intimidated by the propaganda.
    Maybe it is the Q & A sessions, where people shoot from the hip, spewing party line nonsense in the place of Torah, that did it to us.
