Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Hashkafa Q&A on Nekadesh TAG Event

 Must I twist myself into a pretzel to attend the upcoming TAG event


  1. Citifield was initiated by the gedolim and the askanim took care of arranging it. This event was not initiated by the gedolim it was initiated by tag/askanim.

    1. It was initiated by R' Elya Ber shlita amongst others

    2. How do you know?

    3. The leading gedolim have been calling the shots on this whole thing

  2. I'm not able to attend due to a physical disability. Is there a call in number?

  3. It was not initiated by any gedolim and there hasn’t even been any clear call from gedolim to attend. Tag needed business..

    1. It was. And I’ve seen personally a lot of Kol Koreiy’s from gedolim and rebbes to attend.
      tag is not making a penny on this from what I’ve heard. It’s costing them plenty.

    2. I'm pretty confident almost every event is initiated by an individual. The only difference is how early in the game do they get gedolim involved

  4. Must I twist myself into a pretzel to attend the upcoming TAG event? What a stupid question, every person finds time and ability for things that are important to them.

  5. Well the question is if it’s important to attend an event tag decided to make and the answer is not necessarily.

  6. In the long run they will make money on it. This is an investment for them.

    1. Who are these horrible 'they'???

  7. I wasn't sure what the Adirei event was for. I went with an open mind and came out highly inspired. I'm sure whoever goes to this TAG event will come out highly inspired as well. There are way too many farbisiner people out there that thing everyone has an agenda. Yes in real politics I don't trust anyone. In our kehila there are some derhoibiner people that are out to I spire people. My thoughts are either you go , or stay home and keep quiet.

    1. Is inspired a positive, negative, or neutral thing?
      Woodstock was also inspiring.
      Inspiring is only positive if a positive action emerges. When inspiration is used as a substitute for action, it is the opposite of positive.

    2. People do need inspiration. The women all the more so.
      And for that it was beautiful.

      Larger problem is everything nowadays has to be from and in midst of Mass crowd.
      Inspiration is valuable and more is needed but would be better served with individuals or mechubadike small group of growth.

      Having said that,Woodstock may have been inspiring in a dirty smelly crumbly sort of way if at all. Poor comparison.

  8. Why keep quiet? You didn’t keep quiet

  9. For those who questioned whether this event was endorsed by Gedolim: Just look at the dais who was there - Rav Shmuel Kamenetzky shlitah, Rav Elya Ber Wachtfogel Shlitah, and lots of other Roshei Yeshiva and Gedolim. It's time we stop being pessimistic when it comes to inspiration and elevation in Yiddishkeit. Our sons and daughters are falling by the wayside because they see us, they parents, uninspired. This event has the power to save the next generation of Klal Yisroel if we would take upon ourselves a small elevation in Ruchniyus. In the 1950's, only 4% of Jews in America were Shomer Shabbos, and look at us today. It's from those people who stayed strong in their commitment to Mitzvos and Kedusha that ensured the continuation of Yiddishkeit in their children. It's our responsibility to do our part to ensure the continuation of the chain of our Bubbas and Zaidas and their Mesirus Nefesh to go against the Yetzer Hara of the generations.
