Friday, June 17, 2022

Friday June 17 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather 93, sunny skies for the afternoon. High 93F. Shabbos day hi of 70.

ערב שבת פרשת בהעלותך candle lighting 8:10 shkiah/Sunset 8:28 pm

- FAA Speaking up works yeshiva installs sidewalk after neighbors speak up  The yeshiva was required to install this sidewalk and staircase because neighbors demanded them as a condition of the Township Planning Board's approval for their new gym building. more Here 

- Today is the Yartzeit of Habachur Chaim Rosenberg Z"L He was niftar 7 years ago at the age of 36 while learning in BMG please learn l’illui nishmas Chaim Yitzchok ben Yaakov z”l.

- Girls schools finish the  year this coming Wednesday, camps begin next Monday. Many girls still waiting to be accepted into high school. 

- Lakewood Roshei Yeshiva call on the Nshei Avreichi Hakollel to attend the Tag Nekadesh Asifa next week at the prudential center in Newark NJ.

- Officials are proposing to implement a curfew of 11:00 pm for minors at certain shopping areas.

- Judaica plaza offering 10% off entire purchase saluting the Adirei Hatorah BMG Lakewood youngeleit. Offer expires Thursday June 23.

- Local media stops reporting number of monthly car accidents and injuries which are still at an average of 500 crashes a month with many injured sent to hospitals. Township officials keep quiet.

- Novominsk legacy dinner this Sunday at Bellworks special commemorative sefer will be given with ksavim and photos of the Rebbe ZTL

- FDA authorizes mRNA injections against COVID for "emergency use" in the youngest children under 5.

- NJ American water will replace old water mains in Lakewood:
Ardenwood Avenue entire length 
Cedarview Avenue from West County Line Road to 14th Street
Fernwood Avenue from Georgian Terrace to 14th Street
Heathwood Avenue from West County Line Road to 14th Street
Oakwood Avenue entire length
Pinemere Avenue entire length
Prospect Street from Havenwood Court to Summer Avenue

NJAW said the work will take place at night on Prospect Street in Lakewood from 9:00 pm to 6:00 am and during the day on all other streets in Lakewood,


  1. Don’t we already have a curfew?

  2. The site that used to report it, was bought out by the The Voice which is controlled by the developers / Vaad (who threaten to stop all advertising if they report negatively on traffic and infrastructure issues and Igud Hamosdos who he needs for the contracts for his Iron Rock Security business.

    1. Regimes survive by controlling the media or buying it off it also helps when you give them tax abatements or contracts for official statements it's sorta wink wink pay to play if you say nice things about me I'll take care of you

  3. Today is the Yartzeit of Habachur Chaim Rosenberg Z"L He was niftar 7 years ago at the age of 36 please learn l’illui nishmas Chaim Yitzchok ben Yaakov z”l.

  4. Doesn't Lakewood already have a curfew for unattended children at 10:00?

  5. These rags litter the streets of Lakewood no one takes it into their homes it sits on the sidewalks water logged and pollutes the streets. Advertisers should be aware of what the real numbers of readership is cuz there are thousands left on the street that people are not bringing into their homes.

  6. The media in Lakewood is trash first poop ignores Adirei Hatorah event and now publicized a story on struggles with shemiras shabbos you would think that it be kept private and no need to expose thousands of frum teenagers that keep shabbos without doubting it now they are told that hundreds of teens are struggling and they are starting to doubt why that is.

  7. A frum insurance company advertised pride month on their social media platforms with supporting LGBT toeva how do they have no shame to embarrass their frum lakewood clients and spit on their sensitivity


    1. Trying to back handedly promote them? Or promote the perverts ?

      This is the third time you're posting that

    2. Go out with a placard, protest and get back to us!
      Instead of whining

    3. Send the info to Rabbi Yehuda Levin

  8. Bais kaila still has room. They didn't fill up yet.

    1. So do a few other schools. There is room

    2. Plenty of room this year. New schools ,new classes.

  9. Why are you promoting FAA after all he's done

    1. What has FAA done?

    2. Here's what he did. He said the truth.
      Some people dont want other people to know the truth.

  10. So the powers to be rather daily injuries on the roads with RL deaths yet it is covered up so they look good and continue to build and profit. This is what is done in N Korea Russia China and now Lakewood

  11. Exactly. FAA should not be getting credibility here. Hv is blocking comments against FAA. Is that the voice of the tzibur? I don’t think so

  12. Faa took on the big boys and called out the shtick they tried doing that would endanger and hurt the community. The voice of the vaad newspaper rag wrote an editorial calling him a Moser with out naming a single rav or saying that his brother in law was in a lawsuit with faa.. Now you know the reward for the tax abatement
    That rag goes right into the trash can yes they printed a picture with a 4 letter word a few weeks ago. So much for a family friendly magazine

  13. He is a moser. It doesn’t take a posek to know that
