Thursday, June 2, 2022

בד"ה Rav Uri Zohar זצ"ל

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Matzav- is with great sadness that we report the passing of Rav Uri Zohar zt”l, the legendary leader of the teshuvah movement.

Rav Zohar was born on November 4, 1935 in Tel Aviv. In 1952, he graduated high school and did his military service in an army entertainment troupe. His first marriage ended in divorce.

By 1956, he was a popular stand-up comedian. In 1960, he studied philosophy at the Hebrew University of Yerushalayim.

In the 1960s, he directed and starred in Israeli films. In the late 1970s, the Jewish world was changed forever when Rav Zohar turned to Yiddishkeit. In 1977, he began wearing a yarmulka on the television game show he was hosting.

Rav Zohar was the leading star of the Israeli television and movie world until that fateful day almost 40 years ago when he discovered what was missing from his fame and fortune – Hashem.

Rav Zohar subsequently became one of the country’s most renowned baalei teshuvah and has since served as an icon for the P’eylim / Lev L’Achim organization.

The Zohars moved from a mansion in Yaffo to a tiny apartment in Yerushalayim.

In recent years, Rav Uri lived a quiet life, learning Torah and helping lost souls find their way back to Hashem. Read more at 

The levaya will leave at 4 pm from his home on Rechov Zichron Yaakov in the Romema neighborhood of Yerushalayim to Har Hamenuchos.

His legacy will live on for all time.

Yehi zichro boruch.


1 comment:

  1. במקום שבעלי תשובה עומדים אין צדיקים גמורים יכולים לעמוד but Rabbi was both a baal teshuva and a tzaddik. He will be sorely missed but I envy his place in Gan Eden.
