Monday, June 6, 2022

Motzei Shavuos 5782 Lakewood

- A beautiful  Yom tov of shavuos was celebrated across the Lakewood  area with nice weather no rain or humidity.

Several Lakewood area shuls had shiurim the 2nd night shavuos at 12:00 am

- Tefillos for The Ga’aved of Yerushalayim, Hagaon Rav Yitzchok Tuvia Weiss Shlita, who was hospitalized today at Hadassah name is Yitzchok Tuvia Ben Rickel.

- R' Lazer Scheiner had a seuda for over 2000 American yeshiva bochurim on Shavuos at the Bais Knesses Hagadol in Yerushalayim 

- Gas in Lakewood at $4.95 on GSP and NJ Trnpk It is over $5 a gallon as of today.

- Primary elections tomorrow polls open 6:00am  to 8:00 pm heavy contests in 4th district with pro Trump challengers looking to unseat Chris Smith

-Rav Shmuel Kamenetzky in a video message urges everyone to attend the Adirei Hatorah event honoring BMG youngeleit this Sunday in Philadelphia.

- Putin's pundit threatened NATO and the West as he claimed the weapons that are being sent in support to Ukraine will lead to a "nuclear WW3".

R' Yossel Tabak with Rav Shaul Alter

Motzei Shavuos at the Kosel

R' Lazer Scheiner in Yerushalayim with Rav Chevroni

Rav Shmuel Kamenetsky: ‘’I Encourage Everyone to Attend This Historic Celebration!" 


  1. Could someone please explain in one sentence what this event is all about and what’s it’s purpose? I don’t mean to be cynical, I just want to understand what this is for.

    1. To make the baalei batim feel good and they will see that it's takeh a choshuva Zach to give money to support youngeleit. But they can't say it straight up so it is marketed in a way that they are honoring the kollel youngeleit for kavod Hateorah
      Hatorah but betzem the matureh is to shaff gelt once they see the chashivus in being tomech toireh.

      Yesh omrim that the baalei batim Stam want to throw a nice party but lmaaseh it's going to be derhioben with drashos by Rav Dovid kohen Rav Effie Vaxman there won't be any meat boards or Shor Habor fun dee leviyusan either abissel yayin meshumar in the VIP section nu nu.

    2. At the end of the day there Are Tens is Thousands of Yunferleit that need to be supported in this expensive real Estate world that we live in
      So if it is necessary to make an event
      To further propel this motion
      So be it

  2. Why should I pay for it?
