Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Adirei HaTorah: Ushering In A New Era

Adirei HaTorah: Ushering in a New Era By Reb Gershon Ribner shlita. "There was a tekufa not long ago of haromas Keren Balei Batim now there is a change this is Haromas Keren bnei Torah"


  1. So he admits that until now there was a הרמת קרן בעליבתים. Did he ever call it out? Did he ever announce that there is a problem?
    Or did he say that 'whatever Yeshiva does is by definition the holiest'?

    This is totally hypocritical.

  2. He never explained how maamads achieve this. Does it work? How do we normally internalize hashkafos? With Maamados or with Mussar learning? Maybe בשפתיים דולקות like Reb Yisroel Salanter said?

    Since when do maamados have anything to do with this?

  3. You guys are walking on thin ice here. R’ Ribner is a TREMENDOUS Talmud Chochom and you need to watch what you say about him.
    Additionally, he is a very nice person. If you call him, or meet him, he will be glad to answe any of your questions.
