Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Isru Chag Shavuos June 7 News Updates

Weather: Mainly cloudy. High 79F

- Chris Smith has won the Republican nomination for Congress in NJ-4 against podcaster Mike Crispi.  He'll face Democrat Matt Jenkins in the general election. Smith is seeking his 22nd term.  This is his 23rd consecutive GOP primary victory. (David wildstein)

- Jackson Republican Ocean County Committee Chair Clara Glory and  Jackson Council President Marty Flemming lost their seats to two  Jewish Jackson residents Meir Tesser and Tzvi Bruckenstein.

- Ocean county commissioners Virginia Haines, and John P. "Jack" Kelly expected to defeat challengers Ashley Lamb and Sergio Fossa

- BDE Petirah of Rav Michoel Bender ZTL Mashgiach in Stamford yeshiva he was nifter today in Monsey at the age of 72. Levaya details TBA. He is a son in law of Rav Simcha Schustal zatzal brother in Law to the Lakewood RY Rav Dovid Schustal shlita. And brother of Rav Yaakov Bender shlita R"Y of Darchei Torah Far Rockaway.

- Hanochas Even Hapina celebration tomorrow for Bobov-45 grand Bais Medrash, on 14th Ave in Boro park corner 49th 

 - Family members can reveal: Moscow Chief Rabbi, R' Pinchas  & Rebbetzin Goldschmidt, have been put under pressure by authorities to publicly support the 'special operation' in Ukraine — and refused. They have since left Russia They flew to Hungary two weeks after the Russian invasion of Ukraine. They first traveled to Eastern Europe, fundraising for refugees through europe rabbis, and then Jerusalem, where his father was hospitalized at the time.

- LPD: Feee Car Seat Safety Check: Tonight 5-8pm @ 733 Cedarbridge (Fire Station)

- Tefillos for Rav Moshe Sternbuch shlita the  the Raavad of the eidah Hacharedis who is to undergo a Artificial cardiac pacemaker procedure name for Tehillim is Moshe ben Devorah. This badatz also asked everyone to daven for the Gaavad Rav Yitzchok Tuvia Weiss

- Rav Moshe Hillel Hirsch shlita is expected to attend the adire Hatorah event

- LDC public meeting today agenda Here watch livestream Here 4:30 pm. On the genda Liaison for shuttle bus to belz community, expanding the map for UEZ coverage in Lakewood to add more stores  

- Why a video about seltzer and Torah study went viral in the Orthodox Jewish community HERE

- Gas in Lakewood this morning $5a gallon

-The average cost for a gallon of regular unleaded gas in New Jersey is now at $5.01, crossing $5 a gallon for the first time, according to AAA

- Primary election day today in NJ polls open until 8:00 pm in Lakewood locations. You have to be registered as a Rupublican or Democrat to vote in that particular primary. Localy There is a contested Republican primary for the nomination for the two seats on the board of commissioners and 3 candidates looking to unseat congressman  Chris Smith in the 4th district after he voted for the Biden infrastructure bill.

- Schools starting an hour later today some without morning transportation expect heavy traffic.

- General Michael Flynn was in Seaside yesterday along with Mike Crispi who is running for Congress and Ashley Lamb who is running for Ocean County Commissioner! They are campaigning as America First Republicans!

Target, the 8th largest retailer in the US, issues a second profit warning in just 3 weeks.Stock falls over 9% in pre-market trading.

- NJ senate panel passes bill that would expand eligibility for child care subsidies to middle and low-income families. It would raise the income threshold for New Jersey’s child care assistance program from 200% to 300% of the federal poverty level. For a family of four, that would raise the income cutoff from $55,500 to $83,250 (NJ Monitor)

- The CDC has raised the Alert Level of Monkeypox to Level 2 over the weekend—warning: “Travelers should wear a mask. Wearing a mask can help protect you from many diseases, including monkeypox” this despite it not being a airborne disease and only infected through human contact

- (corrected link) Drasha from Rav Uren Reich on Kavod shamayim and viiolence of hitting another yid and breaking up families taking children away from parents Here 


  1. Rav Uren Reichs drasha was deleted apparently. Any working links?

  2. Vote column A
    Get rid of all RINO's and send a message to the corrupt Lakewood Vaad

    1. Great messaging, Generic slogans and mess yourself over just to spite the Bogeyman/VAAD.

    2. Chris Smith is the greatest Ohev yisroel politician you can ask for with or without the VAAD.

    3. Trump was the best Ohev Yisroel president that didn't stop the Vaad to attack him and vaad members making fun of Lakewood residents for supporting him
      Say NO to the corrupt Vaad vote out the swamp

    4. Vote for Smith DESPITE the VAAD.

  3. Working link to Rav Uren's drasha

    For those who want to read in Hebrew follow this link https://groups.google.com/g/terrorgur/c/JmVeroK0pxM

  4. Taxpayers getting fleecedJune 7, 2022 at 7:35 AM

    As you sit in traffic endlessly burning $5 a gallon gas remember to thank our devoted township committee members for causing the gridlock and chaos. may they be remembered for all eternity for their devotion to the common good and the padding of their pockets.

    1. MENASHE THAT OWNS HIS OWN HOUSEJune 7, 2022 at 9:24 AM

      I’m still waiting for the committee men to thank me for giving themselves free lifetime health insurance on top of the huge raise they gave themselves this year. Next time they should ask me and the rest of the residents BEFORE they vote to take more money out of my wallet for doing nothing but destroy our overwhelmed infrastructure. Mechutzafim!

    2. I was meya’ish years agoJune 7, 2022 at 10:38 AM

      Spot on.

  5. Available still on Matzav

  6. Why did Smith vote for Bidens massive spending bill one of only 13 republicans to do so. And he did not get a penny for Route 9. He is out of touch and does favors for special interests and the well connected. Time for fresh blood

    1. He was never properly lobbyed by the powers that be to widen route 9 because they don't care about us

    2. 1. He voted with the 39% of Republicans in the Senate.
      2. As a member of the minority he has no ability to direct funding to a specific project.

  7. Who should we vote for?

    1. Makes no difference cuz whoever wins the vaad claims credit for and they use the power of the voting block to get funding and grants for their own businesses leaving the olam with nothing. This has been going on in Lakewood for the last 40 years. It is always the same 3 organizations getting money while the needs of the people are ignored

  8. Don’t you realize everything the vaad does is for our own good? It’s all about us

  9. Don't vote for Chris Smith.

    He voted to raise minimum wage to $15.
    He voted to give hundreds of billions of dollars to "study clean energy".
    He voted for a pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants.
    He voted to keep Obama care intact.
    He voted to condemn Trump for suing to block Obama care.
    He voted for gun control measures like longer wait times before firearm transfers.
    He voted for universal background checks.
    He voted against Republicans attempting to secure money for border wall.
    He voted against making the 2017 individual tax cuts permanent.
    He voted against the 2017 tax cuts themselves.

    1. Clean energy means cheaper everything, why should someone be against that? Especially as we are paying the price for so much pollution. Climate change isn't politics, it's a reality, visible in so many places in the world. The rich will survive, and the poor will die out.
      What's wrong with a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants? How do we lose from that?
      Obamacare is great. So many of us gained from it, including myself personally.
      Gun control measures are great for all of us. We don't need more guns.
      Universal background checks are a no-brainer. Do we want every depressed drug addict getting his hands on guns?
      Border wall? Who needs that? We don't gain anything from border walls. In fact, we need more immigrants. The labor market desperately needs them.
      The 2017 tax cuts were a mistake, and the deficit will be a problem in the future.

      Vote for Chris Smith, he isn't a party line moron.

    2. Crispi blocks ppl on Twitter who ask him any questions. He supports anti Semites.
      I'm sure he'll be super helpful to Jews. Not.

  10. Where war r Riech to address the violence in ponoviz that’s going on for years?????

    1. What a stupid thing to say!
      One person losing his temper is an inner matter. When a Kehilla supports it and sends an organized pogrom, it is entirely different.
      Remember, Reb Uren has a brother a Gerrer. He has no reason to hate them.

    2. if you would be open minded and listen to what he says you would understand the difference. He explains it clearly

  11. Vote for Chris Smith
    He has always helped any of his constituents
    Vote for him despite the vaad endorsement

  12. Reb Moshe Hillel might come, yet we still don't know why it is taking place and what the purpose is

  13. The polling places in Lakewood are empty. Crispi has a good shot of defeating Chris Smith.

    1. Guess what?! Times have changed. You can now vote by mail and many have taken advantage of that.

  14. Hahaha if climate change is a real thing why will the rich survive and the poor die? AOC and Bernie have told us we’d be dead many times over. You seriously buy this garbage?

    1. There are actual experts in these things, climatologists and geologists who study these thing, and have accurately modeled the future for years.
      Politicians are not an accurate source for this kind of thing, from any party.

    2. According to what Al Gore said 21 years ago. You're already under water by now.

    3. That's why the rich leftist are buying ocean front properties, because they believe their own BS?

  15. In Ponovez the throw shtenders while the Roshei Yeshivas are watching and and that’s not organized??

  16. Just because the polling places in Lakewood are empty doesn’t mean anything. There is a whole big state out there🙄

  17. It's not one person in Ponoviz it's the Peleg vs soinim every year ELUL. The litvak power struggle to make a gadol hador

    1. So that’s acceptable? And doesn’t require a mecha’a from R Reich, But when Ger is involved it’s a pogrom and the whole world has to say their De’ah. Makes a lot of sense to me.

    2. No comparison as R Reich explained so eloquently, I advise you to listen to his beautiful words carefully.

    3. What Ger did to the RSA faction has surpassed anything we have seen so far. From Satmar to Ponovezh, Peleg to Bobov.
      The way it was instigated by the rabonim, an organized pogrom targeting people in their houses, on Shabbos. It just looks too much like Kishinev or Kristalnacht.
      Many rabonim have spoken up, and many more would want to, they just don't want the repercussions that such a machaa would cause.
      And yes, bochurim fighting over seats and dorm rooms isn't in the same universe as this kind of rishus. Ger has proved itself to be the true חיות as declared by an old sage a long time ago. Not חיות הקודש, but true animals

  18. There NEVER has been orders from the Roshei yeshiva in Ponovhez to conduct a pogrom as there was now from the infamous Vaada Hatachtona in gur. This was an all out orchestrated POGROM conducting in four cities in EY at the same time.

    It is actually about time that the whole world is getting involved in the despicable acts of ger where, among other atrocities, they are robbing children of their parents and parents of their children. Hopefully the Maachaa will continue until the horrible people of the vaada realize that this behavior cant continue. Financial and social pressures need to continue until the regime rethinks its destructive ways. They need to stop blaming their narcissistic behavior on God and yiddishkeit. Accomplishing this will be the biggest chesed for thousands of decent Chassidei Gur who are horrified about what happened to their once beautiful chassidus and are in anguish about the horrible poison that their children are being fed

  19. So does the gerer rebbe condone violence? He’s the only one silent.

    1. It would be like pardoning Abbas for Palestinian actions, to absolve him of complicity

  20. Hahaha and you believe those reports? It’s takka a serious problem, we better get rich soon so we can survive climate change.

    1. You’re right, why should we believe experts who have studied a topic for years? It makes much more sense to believe politicians, talk show hosts and the guy scratching his posterior in the Mikva. They know much better

  21. Great talk
    He’s a real talent

  22. No I’m saying you’re right. If we don’t take action now we’ll all be dead soon. Let’s save the climate now!
