Sunday, June 26, 2022

Oif Simchas כ"ז סיון תשפ"ב

Strickman - Tesser Bais Faiga
Inzelbuch - Cohen Lake Terrace 
Plutchok - Dickman Kesser Moshe Yehuda

- Atzeres Zikaron for the Yartzeit of Harav Chaim Stein Zatzal Rosh Yeshivas Telz Cleveland today 7:10 pm at yeshivas Birchas Chaim 1111 Vine Ave Lakewood. Divrei Hesped by Talmidim Rav Avrohom Chaim Feuer Shlita, Rav Yitzchok Tzvi Schwartz shlita, R"M Ohel Torah Monsey

- Rav Amnon Yitschak shlita will be speaking tonight at the Lakewood high school 6:30 pm Free admission 855 somerset Avenue 

- Kamenitz annual dinner Atetrs Reva hall

1 comment:

  1. At least there will be enough parking for the Kamenitz dinner at the Ateres Reva Banquet Hall…
