Thursday, May 5, 2022

Thursday May 5 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: Sunshine and clouds mixed. High 68F. Winds E at 5 to 10 mph. Sefiras Haomer 19

- Gas prices shoot up today average $4.50 a gallon along Brick/Lakewood  border. wawa rt 70 & near Rt 9 $4.53

- Stoliner chassidim in EY were told all who are permitted to carry guns should do so even on shabbos when coming to shul 

- The hot Chulent saved the day: David Amar was sitting in his car enjoying a 2 pounde container of piping hot chulent when the terrorist lunged at him with an axe. David didn’t think twice and threw the entire chulent at the savage and saving himself as the terrorists backed off and continued down the street.

First victim identified as R' Yonassan Cbabakuk HY"D a Breslover chosid was 68 from Elad. 

- Terror Attack in Israel: 3 dead, 4 injured in terror attack in Elad in central Israel near petach Tikva. search for 2 arab terrorists who went on a killing spree with knives and hammers.

- Russian President Putin apologized to Israeli Prime Minster Bennett for comments made by Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov who said that Hitler had Jewish blood and that jews are the biggest antisemites. 

- There will be a hesped today (Thursday) for Rav Nota Greenblatt zt"l at 6:00 PM at Ohr Meir (30 5th St. between Monmouth and Princeton.)

- NJ DEP set up snitch line to report contraband plastic and styrofoam users. They are in charge of enforcement of the plastic  bag ban.

- Acceptance and rejection letters go out for girls' high schools, girls now wait for the second round.

- Israeli Flag flies above Ponovezh yeshiva today on Yom Haatzmaut a tradition enacted by the ponovizher Rav.

- Checks arrive in the mail for alakewood residents who were eligible for the EAP grant administered through Agudah and the township for $2500. The amount of money for the grant has not been publicized.

- Inflation prices 1/2 gallon of low fat milk now $4 at some stores in Lakewood.

- Movement Underway to Halt 6th Street Verizon Antenna in lakewood - 
Members of the community reached out to the building’s owners at 500 Clifton Avenue in an attempt to inform them of the potential health and safety issues of the antenna’s radio frequency emissions. Dozens of neighbors signed a petition essentially pleading with them to “put an end to this.”  On April 8th, a member of the community met with the building’s manager, presenting him with extensive documentation about the inherent dangers. The manager reportedly presented all the information to the building’s owners. Documentation was hand-delivered to the owners as well. On Tuesday, April 27th, the building’s manager reported back to the local community with a phone call, indicating that the owners regret their original decision and claim that they will be working on a resolution. Rav Forchheimer concluded, “I am hereby of the opinion that, considering the halacha of chamira sakanta mei’issura, all involved parties should ensure that this proposed antenna does not become a reality.” Matzav 

- Agudas Israel says they are waiting for the final ruling of the supreme court on Abortion per email sent by Abba Cohen the Washington DC director to the JTA.  “While Agudath Israel is closely monitoring this important — if irregular — development, the Jewish perspective on abortion is nuanced, Thus, we would have to review the precise nuances of the final decision itself — how, for example, it treats abortion rights when the ‘mother’s life or health is endangered,’ or when the ‘mother’s sincerely-held religious beliefs allow or require’ her to seek an abortion, “We would also have to carefully examine state statutes and prospective legislation on these matters. Only then can we responsibly determine the true impact of the Dobbs decision and future steps we might deem necessary.”

- Fence erected overnight around the U.S. Supreme Court building.

- Moscow confirmed its troops ran simulated nuclear missile strikes in the western enclave of Kaliningrad on the NATO border yesterday amid heightening tensions over the war in Ukraine.

- Middlesex County Judge Joseph Paone, who was recently assigned to the case of SCHI founder Rabbi Osher Eisemann, will preside over a critical hearing this Friday to determine if the two convictions – each of which carries up to 10 years in prison – should be tossed, or if the case should proceed to resentencing. A phone hotline for updates on the case can be reached by calling 732.363.1011. The tzibbur  is asked to daven for a just outcome in the case for  Osher ben Chana Frumet (Yated)


  1. This is the NJ that Agudah wanted it is now ok to kill a full term baby but criminal to carry out a plastic bag from a store. Gas is $5 and inflation is making money worthless. This is what agudah supported pushing Phil Murphy and hating on Trump because of his mean tweets. So now you have Biden with wars and a tanking economy. The agudah has what to be proud of.

    1. That’s why I don’t support the aguddah

  2. So just clarify for me please, the inflation worldwide is shnalls fault or zweibels?

    1. Yes to clarify for ppl who don't get it they are to blame. In all seriousness none of this went on during the Trump presidency but agudah kept on attacking him at every opportunity in order to impress their woke counterparts and suck up to the NY dems.How did Cuomo work out for them.

      Same with Murphy AhudahNJ went all out and tried bullying the lakewood community to vote for king Phil because of a few pennies. They are partners with the liberal anti Torah pro Retzicha agenda.

    2. Remind me again, how are plastic bag bans 'anti-Torah'?

      The Russia-Ukraine war was not caused or assisted by Biden or the Aguda. How are they responsible for gas prices. (How can you tell a liar at first shot? If he brings in the irrelevant Keystone pipeline. It's cancelation did not affect American oils supply, and had a net zero effect on American jobs. But the lies continue)

    3. A bag ban is meant for people who have no purpose in life other than to save the world and end up pushing their good on to others. Besides, the democrat belief that humans can flood and destroy the world is all based on their belief that there is no G-d controlling the universe and it is on the human power to keep the world going. Biden made statements before the war that Putin will attack he was admitting his lack of sanctions was going to be a failure in stopping a war. Even worse, any psychologist will tell you not "Never tell a child you will misbehave", it only validates them to go on and misbehave. So yes, Biden can be blamed for facilating the war. The democrats have been fighting the keystone pipeline for 10 years. The fact is whether the gas stays the USA or gets exported - the more gas in the world the less it's going to cost. Besides at a time of crisis we can always block exports. We could have been done this pipeline had the democrats not blocked it. By them continuing to block it, just shows have they have absolutely no regard to our oil prices not today and not in 10 years from now. What is their long term solutionis they have no long term solution to our global dependance on foreign oil? Is their goal to make us utterly miserable so they can force us into Wind farms? Like they did with the covid vaccine - force testing to get the people to vacinate, healthcare, destroy it so we end up with universal healthcare?

    4. So doing anything to help the world is anti-Torah?! Wow!

      But your next statement makes the first one look Mensa style.
      Putin isn't a child, and he didn't invade Ukraine as an answer to Biden. One thing has nothing to do with the other.

      Then you arrived at your conspiracy theories about Covid. You can use some help, it is available.

    5. From the Jewish perspective, man was put into this world with 2 responsibilities ‏לעבדה ולשמרה. Protecting this earth is absolutely one of our responsibilities.

  3. High school tuition is rising to NINE THOUSAND DOLLARS at a local moisad!

    1. All that stimulus is really coming in handy now!

    2. Not sure which school you are referring to, but I just got the contract for next year from my daughters HS and they are asking for $6,200 (before any tuition breaks)

    3. anon 11:18

      I don't know about you, but my stimulus is long spent.

    4. All that stimulus caused inflation. Why do Dems and their followers think anything is for free?

    5. The Dems? Don't you remember Trump calling for 2k stimulus at the end of 2021?? Biden just passed what Trump wanted to.

    6. I got that letter too. Total craziness

    7. Which school is this?

    8. Not one Republican voted for the $2k stimulus. (Trump was being political, but he never voted for it or signed it) The stimulus was passed by the Dems, and they caused this inflation.

    9. So, the Democrats took Trump's advice, and inflation ensued.

  4. Hesped for Rav NotaMay 5, 2022 at 10:54 AM

    There will be a hesped today (Thursday) for Rav Nota Greenblatt zt"l at 6:00 PM at Ohr Meir (30 5th St. between Monmouth and Princeton.)

  5. "the Jewish perspective on abortion is, for example, it treats abortion rights when the ‘mother’s life or health is endangered," Interesting that the Agudah suddenly discovers "nuance". The Gemara in Sanhedrin that discusses it does not mention nuance

    It is also strange that they are playing dumb regarding this decision. Overturning R v W does not make abortion illegal, it relegates it to the states, and the ruling was long overdue to be overthrown even according to Ruth Bader Ginsburg. The ruling contrived a right to abortion, based on the right to privacy. Agudah has attorneys that should know this as well as the effects of overturning, why they are playing dumb and released this statement is mystifying.

    There is also not a a single state that bans abortion in the case of medical emergency, so pretending that this is an issue, is just pandering to leftists.

    I don't know what Aguda's mission is anymore, but it is clearly not the same as when it was established. Maybe they think if they capitulate on abortion, they can get some more money for "security", but showing lack of moral fortitude and character weakness does not garner respect, even from politicians

    1. Maybe no state bans it yet, but it's not veit that they might try. MO has a bill that initially banned abortion even in the case of an ectopic pregnancy!

    2. I read many books and documents about the founding of the Aguda, and I did not see a hint of a mention of 'persuading the government to pass laws that follow Jewish law'. Their job was to support schools and Yeshivos, to ensure that the government stop persecuting Yidden and allow them to keep Torah. Their job was to decided how to act in the public sphere in support of the Torah for yidden. Not one mention of making Goyim act or pasken like Yidden. The Chafetz Chaim forgot to mention it in his Derashos, Rabbi Rosenheim in his memoirs, and Reb Meir Shapiro in his speeches. Not Reb Elchanan Wasserman in his articles, nor Joe Friedenson or Alexander Zusha Friedman.

    3. Anon 3:32,

      I guess you think you're smarter than Reb Moshe Feinstein zt"l and the other previous gedolei hador zt"l which knew all this and still allowed the Agudah to advocate for changing the laws in the USA even when not directly related to supporting schools and yeshivos.

      Stop being full of yourself. Take a step back and stop criticizing others for what you don't personally understand.

    4. Anon 3:32 Those same books make no mention of attacking sitting presidents with stupid statements from beltway bureaucrats in Agudah. You seem to have 2 sets of rules one for the right and another for the left.
      Agudah has no one to blame but themselves for the damage they keep doing with balei batik running the show hiding behind the shadow of the mother. The last election in Lakewood was a punch to the guts by the entire community not voting for Murphy.

    5. What a revision of history. Agudah was founded not to give or get money from the give it was a movement to unite orthodoxy against the Reform and haskkalah at the time. How ironic that getting money from the government became the crown jewel of Agudah while they gave money to the WZO Ukraine fund.

    6. I don't know what Aguda's mission is anymore, but it is clearly not the same as when it was established.

      My answer was to this stupidity.
      Agudah's mission has not changed with this statement about abortion.

      We still have no information about Reb Moshe's trying to change laws that affect Goyim. Someone who was at a meeting claimed that he heard Reb Moshe saying, "this is not our business". And I heard the same from one of Gedolei Lakewood who heard it from Reb Chaim Kaniyevsky.
      Meanwhile, the burden of proof is on those who say that we DO need to care, not the other way around.

    7. The Federal Government has a ban on Marijuana, yet the states have no problem legalizing it. Somehow, the states feel threatened when the court is going to rule abortion is up to you! Is there any state that has any abortion bans that go against halacha? Is there really such a concern? Meanwhile Toeivs Ed is being forcibly taught to 2nd graders in public school - only a matter of time it comes a problem with the private schools..

    8. 6:08 am,

      Putting aside surely that this is debatable and Proof others were
      of different persuasion ,
      there's something else that ended in 1973, the draft since 1940.

      Would you have a doubt that he would react differently now that we're hardly the small beleaguered community, with barely noticeable draft dodging, in comparison to influential affluent and Noticeable societies that now we are ?
      Lu yit'zuir

    9. 1. in 1970 NY voted to legalize abortion, in 72 the new york legislature voted to repeal the new law (which would have once again banned abortion), Governor Nelson Rockefeller vetoed the law and abortion stayed the law in New York this led to roe v wade. In 70 the Lower East Side senator who davened in the bialistoker shul Paul Bookson voted for the abortion law, in 72 when rav moshe was informed on Senator Booksons vote, he personally called up Senator Bookson and told him to vote to repeal it which senator Bookson did.
      2. rav moshe wrote letters to the city council members in Miami against the gay rights bill in 77 and ordered agudah to give money to the referendum to repeal the gay rights law, even though agudah opposed this move they still did it because of rav moshe.
      3. rav moshe said everyone has to do whatever they can to stop the new york gay rights law.

  6. "Aguda is closely monitoring".

  7. Is that for girls or boys? Thats not expensive for mesivta.

  8. Abba Cohen from Agudah speaks for himself and no one else. Unless there is a signed paper from the mother his opinion is worthless

  9. If abortion does get even in part overturned most of the credit ,humorous as it seems at present, will be claimed somehow by Agudah

  10. I love Agudah. They're really looking out for the little guy.

    1. Uh huh.
      And also, they closely monitor situations.
      Oh right, they also release statements.

  11. 6&Clifton cellular radiation is here to stay, building owners contractually cannot back out at this point. Everything else is all talk.


  12. R Yaakov Kamenetsky
    told the founding leading yungeleit at the founding of the Chicago Community Kollel
    the Only Situation that demands they should speak up on public affairs and ought to
    get involved is if a topic of Moral dilemma affairs
    [eg abortion.. especially when Jews more liberal publicly are on the other side]
    For all other communal & political affairs they ought to stay out.

    1. So according to that, the Yungeleit should ignore cellphone towers, only occupying themselves with abortion.

  13. Interesting. What about other members of the effected community

  14. Typo affected.
    Likely as well when you become a Township or 3/4 of it the criteria starts to change
