Monday, May 2, 2022

Another Cell Tower In The Heart of Lakewood

 Updated: Location is behind 14th st and Case opposite Fernwood by the dead end on the GCU property.

Application to be heard Tonight. Just weeks after the Lakewood zoning board approved a cell tower in the heart of Lakewood despite public opposition from neighbors including the Satmar dayan and Rabbi Forcheimer citing serious health concerns, tonight May 2nd the board will hear another application for a cell tower a few blocks away in the heart of Lakewood right down the block from BMG. The location  will be along 14th street behind Fernwood and Case rd. A Lawsuit has been filed against the zoning  board for the approval of a tower on Clifton ave.

 A 150 foot communications tower for cell service is up for approval at the Lakewood zoning board meeting  it will be located on the Georgian court property on the agenda: "Cellco Partnership – 900 Lakewood Ave, Block 44 Lot 1, R-12 zone -to  construct a wireless communication tower". Agenda

The zoning board does not allow public comments via email since the covid restriction for them is up and the meetings are in person. The hearing is scheduled at 7:00 pm

Map of cell tower location upper left red area


  1. Finally.
    Verizon reception has been unreliable lately. I'm glad they're actually doing something about it.
    A tower right in the heart of town means quality cell reception for us all.

    1. Big talker put it in your own back yard and have the radiation spew on your home.

      Do you have no care about the health hazards to others?

      How selfish to sacrifice peoples health including thousands of developing childrens bodies so you can have good reception

    2. Radiation? Sounds a bit dramatic. I can't put it in my backyard...I live in a townhouse development.
      Anyways I guess there are 2 ways to view the project and everyone needs to weigh the pros and cons for herself.
      I just can't handle anymore dropped calls.


    3. American Cancer Society says there is not enough research yet.that means chamira sakanta

      Cell Phone Towers
      The widespread use of cell phones in recent decades has led to a large increase in the number of cell phone towers (also known as base stations) being placed in communities. These towers have electronic equipment and antennas that receive and transmit cell phone signals using radiofrequency (RF) waves.

      Cell phone towers are still relatively new, and many people are understandably concerned about whether the RF waves they give off might possibly have health effects.

      At this time, there’s no strong evidence that exposure to RF waves from cell phone towers causes any noticeable health effects. However, this does not mean that the RF waves from cell phone towers have been proven to be absolutely safe. Most expert organizations agree that more research is needed to help clarify this, especially for any possible long-term effects

    4. This has nothing to do with חמירא סכנתא. You can't just make up a חשש and then make a fuss about it.
      There is no reason whatsoever to believe that this tower is a danger at all. No proof, just the same conspiracy tripe that has brought us anti-vaxxers and kinesiology etc.

    5. Do you eat red meat and fried foods? These have been PROVEN to cause cancer. Yet you eat them anyway.

  2. "the board already approved a similar tower...."

    Always the same dirty tricks

  3. They always sneak in these applications erev pesach when everyone is too busy check out the agendas for this week zoning planning township all scheduled meetings

  4. הגיע הזמן
    the Satmar Dayan shlita and the heimishe kehilos are putting up new candidates for upcoming elections

    1. Yea right. Here it's all whatever the Vaad says or at least "Shev Veal Taaseh".

  5. At least this tower is not in top of a residential building next to 2 schools, surrounded dense residential buildings.

  6. there seems to be some confusion as to where the tower will actually be located. my understanding was that it is closer to the 14th St/ Case Rd area. anyone interested in fighting the variance is asked to please come to the meeting tonight at 7PM. they are requesting a variance so there is a chance we can block it with enough opposition.
    and for those of you worried about your cell service; moving it another 1000 feet into the legal area wont affect your cell service all that much!!

  7. One last thing: according to the FCC, the towers are not a health risk so we cant get it stopped however we can demand that they put it 1500ft from their property line as required by law. no reason neighbors have to have a tower the height of Hamans gallows practically in their backyard.

  8. Why is it dramatic to be afraid of radiation???

    1. Well, any electro-magnetic wave, including visible light, is a form of radiation. Are you afraid of that?

    2. Nuclear weapons and solar storms are ultimate forms of radiation

      Are you unafraid of those

  9. really anyone that lives in the 14th St area should be at the municipal building tonite to oppose this. otherwise it is going to go up and be visible from anywhere on 14th street and everyone will wonder why weren't we warned about this?? and there wont be anything to do about it at that point. this antenna is going to be 150 feet tall!!!

    1. I don't mind seeing a tower, if it makes my phone work better.
      The idea that this tower is a serious problem is absolutely ridiculous. We should waste hours at a meeting, just because things don't look nice?! Is my time Hefker?
      R3 fan, you may be used to wasting time for nonsense like this, some of us have actual jobs, as well as learning schedules.

    2. So Mr Anonymous doesnt have a problem with the tower and therefore no one should care about it either. And if you dare care about it. it obviously means that you dont have a job or or a learning seder. so today i learned that i am an unemployed bum. please don't tell my employer or chavrusa!
      but i also learned that some people cannot tell the difference between an invitation and a summons. did anyone see me demanding Mr Anonymous come down to the hearing??

    3. One more thing, Mr Anonymous. your time is worse then Hefker; you are wasting it on something that does not affect you!!

  10. Another tower coming to east 4th and park

  11. I'm still old enough to remember when smoking was considered safe.

    1. Yes. Those were the days without airbags or seatbelts.

  12. The board did it again.

    They wasted time asking stupid questions, showing they know nothing about cell tower or proper zoning and planning.

    They wasted everyone's time, and the hearing now needs to continue next month.
