Sunday, May 1, 2022

Sunday Rosh Chodesh Iyar May 1st News Updates Lakewood

Weather: Partly cloudy skies this morning will become overcast during the afternoon. High 67F.

 - A single-engine Cessna 172 crashed at Ocean County Airport in Berkeley about 6 p.m. Sunday, Two people were on board, "Nobody was injured. Everybody got out ok," The plane appeared to suffer mechanical issues before the crash, Berkeley Police Sgt. Taylor Butler said near the crash site on Route 530. (App)

- New study: Face mask usage during covid correlates with higher death rates: Using data from 35 countries and 602 million people, peer-reviewed study confirms previous research and cautions use of face masks "may have harmful unintended consequences." "Correlation Between Mask Compliance and COVID-19 Outcomes in Europe" has demonstrated that use of face masks, even widespread, did not correlate with better outcomes during the COVID epidemic. (INN)

- Women of the wall plan provocation tomorrow at the kosher by the ezras Nassim with reform movement. 

- Rav Shmuel Kamenetzky shlita spoke today in Lakewood at a chanukah Habayis he mentioned that if one does not stop the building of a shul it is considered as if he helped build it.

- Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov: The fact that Zelenskyy is Jewish does not deny the Nazi elements in Ukraine. I believe Hitler also had Jewish blood.

- 2:00 pm Levaya of Rav Nota Greenblatt ztl watch livestream Here

- When you don't know that it's Pesach: Reporter comes shopping in Lakewood but it's Yom Tov. "You picked the wrong day,” said Lue World, sitting with two of his friends in the Town Square. That’s because the first and last two days of Passover are the most solemn of the eight-day observance. Orthodox businesses and yeshivas (schools) were closed so people could gather in their homes, go to synagogue and take walks, as I noticed driving around. more at NJ

- BMG summer zman begins tomorrow 

- Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) to introduce a joint resolution that would "authorize the use of U.S. Armed Forces to defend Ukraine" should Russia use chemical, biological, and/or nuclear weapons.

-  NJ plastic  bag ban begins this week along with ban on Styrofoam. Shoppers will need to bring their own bags or buy reusable ones.

- Girls high school applications some schools sent out letters before shabbos others to send out early this week.

- Food prices soar at local groceries loaf of bread $4.29 package of Liebers snackers $6.49 at one store. Danish $3.99

- Chanukah Habayis Hachnosas sefer Torah at Kollel chested shlomo this afternoon 1:30 pm at 580 New Egypt Ave.

-  Pelosi visits kitchen leading a congressional delegation including  Reps. Jason Crow, D-Colo., Jim McGovern, D-Mass., Gregory Meeks, D-NY, and Adam Schiff, D-Calif.

- Lakewood Mayor interview in Ami magazine blames state and county for traffic woes as they are not keeping up with the infrastructure like widening route 9, or light at chestnut and rt 70. says township has not sold property for residential development in the past 20 years only for schools.

- Adventure crossing sports complex going up in Jackson next to six flags was approved for a indoor water park and wave pool. There will be a top golf opening there as well. The developers are seeking to bring a kosher food establishment to the complex.

- Lakewood  residents file law suit against the zoning board for the approval a cell communication tower on top of the Eleanor Levovitz building on Clifton Ave. Yated Neeman reports  the suit claims that the board refused to allow testimony showing serious health concerns from the radiation of the tower. There is another application for a cell tower on the Georgian Court property behind 14th st and Case to coming up. The Satmar dayan and Rabbi Forcheimer senior posek at BMG wrote strong letters to the board to reconsider due to serious health risks associated with theses towers.


  1. - Food prices soar at local groceries loaf of bread $4.29 package of Liebers snackers $6.49 at one store. Danish $3.99
    This is the begining of Yoiker Yaamir, hagefen titein piryoh, vehayayin beyoker. In literal transalation.
    BTW it is only the begining, no it isn't Biden or Trump, it is all decreed from above.

    1. While it's absolutely true that it's all decreed from Above, it is blasphemous to suggest that our decisions, actions and alliances are not a big part of the picture, which brings these things.

      It is not OK to pretend and suggest that the leftists who are trying to deny Hashem 'are good people' etc etc

    2. The Chutzpa Yasge is already visible in if comments section on the other posts.

    3. Basically, it is blasphemy to think that the left and the right are equal.
      The right are the ones pushing a disgusting religion down people's throats, but it's the left who are 'against' Hashem.
      It's the right who believe that the worse middos you have, the more of a 'man' you are, but it's the left who are the bad ones.

      Both sides are not Jewish and not based on Torah. Neither have a monopoly on sheker, fighting Hashem and bad middos.

    4. I guess robbing looting and murdering others is considered good Midos by you.

    5. The bigger discussion for those who are genuine would be about Up and Down.

      Even while there are a lot of negatives on the so called Right and many are hardly better indeed than the Left and. Center (and for some specific issues the right has it self-centered backwards)
      Still for enough of them it's more than a difference in degree it's becomes a difference in kind.

      It's an enormous
      difference of teleological goals for hopefully this world.
      In a nutshell it's less about right and left, rather more about where we ought to be headed with abundance of manifold deficiencies and selfish frailties.

      It's about Up and Down

  2. I wonder if the supermarkets in Lakewood will cash in on thise new law like they do in other places.

    When the plastic bag law past in NY, GG Five Towns cashed in. They sell their bags for 5 cents each, in bundles of 5. So every time you shop and want a bag, they charge you 25 cents minimum for the bags. So instead of giving free bags, they profit from the law.

    Seasons, on the other hand, ignores the silly ban and gives bags the same way they always did. (Same goes for most stores in Brooklyn.)

    1. Seasons Lakewood is already selling reusable bags @1.49

    2. The law in NJ doesn't start until May 4. Everyone is still giving bags until then.

  3. What happened to the yellow playset at sunset park? It was removed and the area was left full of tripping hazards. Will it be replaced?

    1. I'm sure the scoop will be running a ask the mayor about it, where he will have someone look at it, but it's probably a county issue. It's the answer to every question. In the meantime the Vermont extension is closed, there is no park at James/Cross, Chestnut/New Hampshire is a nightmare, 9/Broadway still no fix, and more.

  4. “Rav Shmuel Kamenetzky shlita spoke today in Lakewood at a chanukah Habayis he mentioned that if one does not stop the building of a shul it is considered as if he helped build it.”

    So.... what’s news with WG? Is their shul built yet?

  5. Notice how the same guys who tell us that its all from Hashem and nothing is Biden's fault, are the same guys who kept telling us that everything was Trump's fault.

  6. Does that include WG shul not being built yet? Halevei we could blame that on trump who’s a goy.
