Monday, May 16, 2022

Monday May 16 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: Scattered thunderstorms in the morning, then mainly cloudy during the afternoon with thunderstorms likely. A few storms may be severe. High 78F. Chance of rain 70%.

 - Tonight Chayeinu hosts event for women in at Bais Faiga hall renewing the bond reigniting the passion embracing our avodas hashem doors open at 7:00 pm program begins at 8:00 pm

- Badatz Eidah hacharedis  holds a large rally in yerushalayim to decry the govt takeover of Miron they announced that people should travel to Miron by their own means not through the govt issued ticket system, and that people  should frequent kever Rashbi throughout the year.

-New York City issues mask advisory for all indoor public places, says COVID-19 Alert Level approaching “high”

- High Pollen count in Lakewood today at 7.5 pollen is visible on the cars tomorrow a higher count of 10 is expected. To help manage allergies it is best to keep windows closed and to shower (TY TJ)

- Lakewood Township will receive a total of $3.2 million dollars in grants for persons with Aids from U.S. Department of HUD Office of Community Planning and Development to support the revitalization of communities across New Jersey, Us Senators menendez and Booker announced the awarding of a combined $177,768,593 in federal funding to New Jersey. Lakewood is getting  $2,023,965 from the Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) Program and   CDBG: $1,160,218. Toms River will get CDBG: $1,407,498, and Brick township  will get CDBG: $310,817

- Critics call out murphy for not saying a word about 9 Israelis murdered by Arab terrorists in the last 2 weeks  but he tweeted about a palestinin journalist killed in crossfire in an attempt to blame Israel. on Facebook and Twitter his comments fueld antisemitic hateful comments agains israel and the Jews

- Phil Murphy criticized after remarks he gave about nationwide gun violence by only mentioning race in one of the 4 shootings pointing to the white supremicist in Buffalo 

- NWS: Numerous severe storms are possible this afternoon. Damaging wind gusts will be the primary threat, with large hail and isolated tornadoes also possible. The most likely time for severe weather will be from 4 to 8 

- Jus by Julie Lakewood store temporarily closed due to final renovations 

- Aisle 9 Jackson grand opening Tomorrow Tuesday May 17

- McDonald's to sell all its 850 stores in Russia.

- NWS: A few storms may be severe today. Have a plan and be prepared.

- בה"ב today there will be a Minyan mincha with Krias Hatorah ויחל at Rabbi Forcheimers shul 418  5th st 2:10 pm

Adirei Hatorah event information released. The מעמד כבוד התורה is to recognize and focus on the chashivus of  a BMG youngermans ameilus B'Torah.
To date over 40 million was distributed most from Lakewood donors. Event is June 12 Sunday after Shavuos
- Tickets will be sold via shul ambassadors suggested donations $360, minimum $50. Tickets will not be sold online and only via the shul rep. Youngeleit will get it through the yeshiva.Rebbeim through their shul reps.
-Groups of 25 will get complimentary bus transportation to the event at the cure arena in Trenton,NJ. 
- The program will feature 3 speakers including the chevron Rosh Yeshiva from E"Y Rav Dovid Cohen shlita.
- Reception will be 7:30 -8:30 followed by the 2 jour program concluding with a video presentation a siyum Hashas music and dancing
- There will be elaborate food with dinner served by every seat.

- A few thousand men attended the Health sccholine and got tested at Lake terrace hall yesterday arranged by Lev Rochel Bikur cholim.

- After Lakewood & Toms River were mentioned Locations in a 180 page manifesto by the Buffalo NY murderer, Ocean County Sheriff Michael Mastronardy said "We reached out to those communities and are working with our partners, departments and chiefs," he said. "We monitor the activity at those locations. APP reports Lakewood Mayor said "We're always on guard for anything in a town like this,""I can't go into a lot of the details, but the Police Department is very aware of any active threats. They take anything like that very seriously."Toms River Mayor Maurice "Mo" Hill said police there would support all residents, regardless of race, ethnicity or religion.(APP)

- In a strongly worded letter to lufthansa CEO Carsten Spohr, New Jersey Rep. Chris Smith is demanding answers to why nearly 150 Jewish passengers were denied boarding due to one or two passengers allegedly not wearing masks. Smith says he will also be meeting with Department of State's special envoy to combat antisemitism,  (Shlomo Schorr)



  1. Are those affected by Lufthansa constituents of governor Murphy too?
    Asking for a friend.

    1. The governor is too busy with his plastic bag ban and abortion laws to comment on this travesty. Way to go NJ. Kill babies and save the bags

  2. Correction: Chris Smith is not meeting with State Senators. He is meeting with Department of State's special envoy to combat antisemitism, Deborah Lipstadt.

  3. Which Nadvorna Rebbe is the one in the previous post? I don't recognize him.

    1. Which nadvorna? There are about 59 of them, can't blame you for not recognizing who

    2. @9:49 I didn't blame myself. I was asking a question. If you don't know the answer, don't answer.

    3. must be the fake one if you don't recognize him


    Lakewood Township
    CDBG: $1,160,218
    HOPWA: $2,023,965

    (HOPWA= housing opportunity for people with AIDS. Any statics available as to how many people in Lakewood township have AIDS? Where will this money go?)

  5. Adirei Hatorah event scheduled for the Sunday of an off Shabbos.
    If the Yungeleit of Lakewood have any self-respect and refuse to join such events, they will round up bochurim with the promise of free food.

    1. Self respect does not mean acting according to what you desire. Rather doing what's right and becoming of you.
      Before bashing find out why the Roshei Yeshiva and Rabbanim hold that the Yungerleit should attend and allow themselves to be 'honored' and only then can we discuss 'self respect'.

    2. Self-respect means respect for their lifestyle.
      We don't go to events in stadiums to be entertained and fed. We leave that to those who go to special hotel programs with illusionists, shadchanim, singers and lifestyle gurus.
      Bnei Torah's time is worth much more than that. They can be in Beis Hamedrash learning a Tosfos.
      And for baalebatim it is even more ridiculous. One day a week that they don't work, are they not busy? Chavrusos, Shiurim, and other ruchniyusdige pursuits?

      Especially as we haven't even been told why we should go. What is the purpose of this 'event'? What will happen if it doesn't take place? How can we be treated like sheep, קורא לה והיא באה?

    3. It's not becoming for a Kollel Yugerman to travel to Trenton to be honored

    4. Bnei Torah don't post comments on blogs in middle of first Seder. They go to an event the Roshei Yeshiva & Rabbonim think they should go to and they go after second Seder.

    5. Sir, if you're a Yungerman learning in Yeshiva all day then not only were you not told why to go, you weren't told to go at all!
      Teretz is you know about from the PR signs and ads and from the internet.
      So don't complain. Wait and see. Or not. Just learn in this time and stop being busy with everything else

    6. Anon 3:49 - you seem to think that Yungeleit don't have their own minds. They just mindlessly follow that which Central Command tells them.

      I don't what your experience is with Bnei Torah, but the Torah they learn usually informs them that they do not have to conform with 'everyone'. They won't put up a fight, but their inner core is not pushed around by propaganda and noise.

    7. here is a worthy discussion

  6. They're charging $360 for bochurim and kids. They clearly don't want them and they won't be attending for $360!!!

    1. They're charging $50. $360 is recommended donation.

  7. Let's 'focus and recognize' the chashivus of the ameilus batorah by forcing Yungeleit to spend hours on inane dancing, speeches, and elaborate food.

    How about recognizing their chashivus by setting aside parking spots next to the Yeshiva 'for Yungeleit only'? Or perhaps making the event for those with spare time on their hands only?

    1. Where would you want those parking spots to be? In a residential area so that the people living there don't have where to park? Or on 7th and all over Yeshiva where Yungerleit park now already?

  8. In regard to Phil Murphy's lack of compassion for those 9 Israelis murdered by Arab terrorists in the last 2 weeks....and yet Lakewood still votes for Democrats. Wake up, if you want change, stop voting for the same party that promises change and does nothing to help you.

  9. Its cheaper to fress at the local restaurant in honor of Reb Shaya b"r Moshe, and you also get more zchusim and yeshuos that way.

  10. Imagine a Rav publicized his opinion that people shouldn't go to the stadium's elaborate dinner. How much pressure he would be under.
    Nobody with a brain in his head would believe that the Rabbonim's haskama (which we haven't seen yet) is given without duress. Even if no threats were made, everyone knows exactly what the consequences will be.

  11. It's said that when all the Nadvorner Rebbes travel together, they travel in a large coach bus, while all their chassidim travel in a compact car. Lol

  12. Our Lakewood is blessed with one of these Rebbes

  13. Maybe now you can understand what the Roshei Yeshiva have to go through on a daily basis nebach. 15 Brisim 10 Chasunos 5 Dinners etc etc and this before what they need to do for actual fundraising. When you're expected to go one place one time, see the reaction

  14. What the RY have to go through? They want this nobody’s forcing them

    1. Who's forcing them? The family firm? Would you tell us?

    2. If you don't have your own brains to figure things out that one is supposed to what is expected of him especially in matters of attending Simchos etc then I don't know if they have them for sale, you may just need to be mechaven more by the third fourth and fifth bracha of shmone esrei.

    3. The reason has something to with a concept called Mentchlichkeit. A concept it seems that many commenters are not too familiar with.

  15. Te'chilaso B'beshia
    V'sofo B'oness
