Monday, May 2, 2022

Supreme Court to Overturn Roe V. Wade

 US Supreme Court has voted to overturn abortion rights, draft opinion shows. A leaked draft decision reveals SCOTUS seems set to overturn Roe v. Wade

Police set up security barricades around the United States Supreme Court building after a draft opinion reportedly overturning Roe vs. Wade was leaked st 8:30 pm by Politico reporters.

The Supreme Court has written an opinion that would overturn Roe v. Wade, the landmark decision that provides women with a constitutionally protected right to an abortion, a report said.

The majority opinion was written by Justice Samuel Alito and leaked to Politico in an extraordinary breach of Supreme Court procedure.

“Roe was egregiously wrong from the start,” Alito writes in the 98-page draft opinion, obtained by the outlet.

The Democratic leaders in Congress, Senator Chuck Schumer and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, issued a joint statement saying that the draft opinion, should it become the court’s decision, “would go down as an abomination, one of the worst and most damaging decisions in modern history.”

Governor Phil Murphy said "A truly dark day in America with the news reports that the Supreme Court has voted to overturn Roe v. Wade. This year, I signed the Freedom of Reproductive Choice Act – codifying a woman's right to choose into state law. New Jersey will not go backwards on reproductive rights".

The opinion rejects the 1973 decision that guaranteed constitutional protections for abortion rights as well as the subsequent Planned Parenthood v. Casey decision in 1992.

“We hold that Roe and Casey must be overruled,” he writes in the document, labeled as the “Opinion of the Court.”

A ruling overturning Roe would be transformational -- legally, politically and socially. Twenty-six states would be likely to ban most abortions, according to the Guttmacher Institute, a research organization that backs abortion rights. 

The draft ruling, which was written in February, would end the federal abortion protections and instead leave the decision up to each state to restrict or ban abortions.

It’s not clear if there have been subsequent changes to the draft, Politico reported.

No draft decision in the court’s modern history has been released publicly while a final decision on a case was still pending, according to the outlet.

SCOTUS judges are known to have changed their votes as opinions circulate, Politico noted, and major decisions such as this can go through multiple drafts before a final decision is made.


  1. Ho ho abomination, eh?
    Taking the Constitution apart and stepping on it was progress of civilization

    It should be noted the Court is very careful about leaks. How come all of the sudden this happened unless someone working from the inside is breaking all rules accepted to destroy

    1. 100% guaranteed that this is all to help out the Dems in the upcoming midterms

  2. Did agudah issue a statement yet

  3. What happens In a case when a Jewish woman needs a abortion that is allowed al pi halacha.

    1. If it's medically necessary then it's legal

    2. I would assume that if the situation was such that an abortions was permitted al pi halachah, it would also be required/recommended from a medical perspective. There is no way that it would be a blanket ban on abortions in all situations.

    3. Even the states with the strictest abortion laws make an exception for medical necessity and early on in pregnancy . The debate is limited to whether there is an intrinsic constitutional protection for on demand abortion after detection of a heartbeat or not.

    4. The ones who raise those challenges are aware of the responses likely beforehand. The goals are political rhetorical.

  4. Golly,but our wise leaders keep Telling us to vote for Gay ,Abortionist,Deviants all for the sake of a Buck,do you think our Wise leaders have any moral value

  5. Will be more crime and welfare

    1. Its not our place to make those calculations. We have to do is better for collective society and remarkably things will work out
      B'hai kivsha d'rachmana lama

  6. Who is the all wise local leader that runs the Misinformation in Fakewoid

  7. Let's give a big shout out to our local corrupt leaders who support abortion,legalizing drugs and now they'll be educated to be Trans Thank you Vaad

  8. All this does is return the decision to the individual states. NY, NJ, IL, & CA won't be affected at all by this ruling.

    1. So? And so? As if there won't be A massive ripple effect everywhere,even international?

    2. Rabbinic Group Rejects Distortion of Jewish View on Fetal Life

      Washington, DC, May 3, 2022—Following declarations from partisan Jewish individuals and organizations claiming that restrictions on abortion represent a "specific Christian belief" that would limit the ability of Jews to "practice their religion," the Coalition for Jewish Values (CJV), issued the following statement:
      As stated in the CJV white paper on abortion, "The Jewish Bible identifies human life as a soul placed (breathed) within a body by G-d Himself, with inestimable sanctity and value." That is the authentic Jewish view, as determined by Rabbinic texts and legal codes stretching back to Sinai. We support Heartbeat Laws and other efforts to distinguish between tragic cases of abortion due to medical necessity, as compared to disregard for fetal life as simply the mother's "choice."

      Reversing Roe v. Wade would not ban abortion, as alarmists insist—on the contrary, it would restore this policy decision to the hands of the democratic governments of the individual states. We hope that more states will be able to enact reasonable restrictions, and restore America to a posture of valuing all human life.

      Coalition for Jewish Values, represents over 2,000 traditional, Orthodox rabbis. A 501(c)3 non-profit, CJV advocates for classical Jewish ideas and standards in matters of American public policy.

  9. The international effect will be that people all over the world will continue to see America as a Bible-thumping ignorant country, who believes in using fake gods to force religion down people's throats, all the while bellowing about freedom.

    When the history books write about the decline of the country called America, this date will feature as a turning point. After millions of people were willing to vote for a candidate who proudly doesn't care for experts, research or facts, they continued to push their country down the garden path.

    I don't know who the next superpower will be, perhaps it will be someone who treats the Yidden worse than America does. But America's days are numbered.

    1. "History" was already written about societies who deemed certain lives to be subhuman, and it was not kind to them

  10. Pigeonholed saturated or deceitful fellow

    How is it that for years now in Poll after poll as America keeps passing and/or tolerating degenerate court ruling after ruling the world beyond the borders and Beyond syndicated media perceive the US as going down and getting weaker. And precisely when t the Court ruling get more better traditional the world perception follows that America has stabilized.

    Compared with the relatively conservative mid 80's the freaking and foaming is small fry
    And they will try harder.. till they got you

    If the US comes through with flying colors you will hear a whole different story afterwards..begrudgingly

    Even the markets in the longer turn term will bear that out

  11. And if subscribing To our Creator in some form will according to your ilk
    make the days of a country numbered, putting aside that any study of the past belies that, implies further that you despite your background are Of the wrong people and destiny

  12. Did you know that in this so-called great country, there is nothing to stop people from the most disgusting aveiros in the world. If someone wants to serve Avoda Zara, there is nothing stopping him. He may even publicly announce himself as someone who serves Avoda Zara. He may make associations of people who serve Avoda Zara and invite others to join him.

    Not only that, but Zenus too is perfectly legal and acceptable. There is nothing to prevent people from swapping wives with each other and the law does not prevent people from doing all kinds of deeds that the Torah forbids.

    We need to fight good and hard about these things.
    Or not.

  13. If you are implying for us to fight nothing, you're complicit.
    However if anyone was suggesting to fight everything all together at once eg the Japs on the Pacific or the Arabs in 1948
    they will lose of course

  14. Since when is it egregious and tyrannical to curtail government sponsored murder of innocents? States still get to murder on demand and every pro-life law has exceptions to save the mother's life.
