Monday, May 9, 2022

Hungarian Royalty: The Chasam Sofer & His Family

Jewish History Soundbites 

One of the most influential Torah leaders in the modern era was Rav Moshe Sofer, the Chasam Sofer (1762-1839). Rabbi, rosh yeshiva, posek, prolific author, and most of all, a charismatic leader who confronted the challenges of modernity, and led the forming of a traditional response in changing times.

A component of the legacy of the Chasam Sofer was his illustrious family, who emerged as something of a rabbinic dynasty in the ensuing generations. His son the Ksav Sofer succeeded him in Pressburg, while another son Rav Shimon Sofer was the rabbi of Krakow. Many of his descendants were rabbis all over the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Many either escaped or survived the war and continued his legacy in the rebuilding during the post war until this very day. 


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  1. If you truly want to continue the legacy of the Chasam Sofer, stop daveninf Sefard and don’t be Chassidish. He held it is Assur for someone who follows the Rema to change his nussach from Ashkenaz to Sefard. He also was a Misnaged and was against Chassidim. Unfortunately those who supposedly “carry his legacy” today are very, very misguided and are far from the holy teachings of Rabeinu The Holy Chasam Sofer.

    1. Most if not sll of his descendents are chasdidush
