Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Lag Baomer 5782 Hadlakas Greater Lakewood Area

 Please add locations and corrections on the comments section 

Watch Live Broadcast  in Miron HERE (be mindfull of Sefira)

- Rav Meilich Biderman Live in Beit Shemesh HERE

Wednesday night:

- Breslev 423 6th street Maariv 9:10pm  Hadlaka 9:30 pm. Followed by seuda

- Stolin B"M 153 E 7th 9:15 in the parking lot

- Skulen 547 park avenue. Maariv 9:20 pm
nigunei hisoirerus 9:40 pm Hadlaka 10:00 pm  The road will be closed in front of the bais medrash. Parking at municipal lot behind kikar shabbos and surrounding streets. Women are asked to stay in the designated area. No pictures taken with smartphones. Please do not get near the fire and adhere to the offcials.

- Bais Hachasidim R' Krishevsky 677 8th st Maariv 9:00 pm followed by Hadlaka and Seuda.

- Kosson  Bais Medrash Hadlaka at  57 Havens avenue Oak and Vine 9:15 pm

-Sadigura B"M Linden Ave 9:30 pm

- Bais Efraim- Rav Shimano at New Central & Leigh 9:20 pm

- Bobov 100 W Kennedy Blvd 9:00 pm

- Mordys Shteible 7:00 pm learning 8:00 pm Hadlaka 15 Delaware trail

- Chateu park sfard 71 Cushman 9:15 pm

- Bnei Yissochor Rabbi Babad 1767 Whitseville rd Toms River 9:10 pm 

- Bais Elimelech Rav Pashkes 105  E. Harvard 9:05  

-B"M Even Yisroel on Hope Hill lane 9:25 PM (Off Hope Rd)

- Seret Vizhnitz 284 Chestnut 8:45 pm followed by Lchaim Tish and חלאקה

- B"M Khal M'Hallovitz 614 Ocean Ave Rt 88 9:15 pm

-Belz- Harmony park Locust corner New Hampshire

- Spinka Lakewood: 615 bergen

- Rizhen 1132 East county line  9:15 pm

- B"M at 263 Jackson Pines rd 8:00 pm

- Serentch/Kolel Vasikin Clifton and County Line Hadlaka 9:05 pm

Buses to Monroe from Lakewood for lag baomer hadlaka with Satmar Rebbe  leaving  from satmar B"M 608 E. Kennedy at 7:30 pm $45 Round trip.

- Bobov bais Hachaim in Deans,NJ floral Park cemetery will be open to visitors all night Wednesday and all day Thursday with refreshments.

Thursday Lag Baomer day hadlakas:

Shemen Lmincha
Erech Shai
Minyan shelanu 


  1. Does anyone have any hookup info for R Meilech Biderman Hadlakkah in Bet Sheesh?


  2. Kosson is at 82 oak st

    1. True, but the Hadlakah will be by their new building on Havens.

  3. The Nadvorna Rebbe will be feering tish tonight in his son's Shul on Monmouth and 4th. 10:00

  4. Serentch/Kolel Vasikin Clifton and County Line Hadlaka 9:05 pm

  5. Why do you need a hookup? If you want to see you should have gone.

  6. Bobov 100 W Kennedy Blvd 9:00

  7. Spinkalakewood:
    615 bergen

    TOMORROW Mariv 9:30 Washing 9:45.
    Lkuvid Hatana Alkoai.

  8. Presidential maariv at 9:20 hadlaka afterwards

  9. Reminder: The Mishna Brura and all mainstream Poskim do not allow music until Lag B'Omer morning NOT TONIGHT.
    This was always the Minhag in Lakewood.

    1. The MB doesn't mention music at all . Not even for the rest of sefirah.

  10. What is the heter to play music tonight

    1. No one seems to have a problem the fact that they do it every single year in Miron.

    2. The Heter is very simple. It depends what you hold when they stopped dying. Mechaber seems to hold on day 34. Rama seems to say that we hold it was on day 33. But others say that if we don't say Tachnun Erev 33 it means that the night of 33 they didn't die anymore and therefore it's mutar.

  11. There is no heter but the chassidim created a new YT

    1. No reason to show off your amaratzus because of your blinded hate. For your knowledge the Arizal etc were not Chasidish.

    2. The minhag by chassidim is to keep the entire sefira, therefore they have 33 days even without counting lag baomer.

    3. That does not include music on Lag Baomer. It is regarding haircuts.

  12. Been living in Lakewood for over 20 years. There’s never been this amount of bonfires. Never did I imagine that anybody would care to make bonfires. This is not our Mesorah! Why does Lakewood have to look like Boro Park more and more each year?? I think I speak for a lot of people. Our city is looking less and less like Lakewood should be. Thanks to some greedy developers who sold us out, who by the way activity caused a huge housing problem for our yugerleit.

    1. too late, unless there's action. People used to say the same once about boro park compared with Williamsburg

    2. There's also never been this amount of Siennas and strollers in Lakewood. So what?

    3. whats wrong with bonfires?

    4. I'm living in Lakewood for over 30 years and it's interesting that this is what bothers you. Are you bothered by the miusse gashmiyus literally all other this wonderful town??
      How not so long ago shopping meant buying the items you need and now there's this whole "shopping experience" with abundance of mosros, which is now considered the norm? grocery without at least a fleishig takeout and sushi bar is kein grocery nisht!
      And what about the eateries literally dripping with kol tayva shebaolam?
      All that is fine. We have more important problems here...

    5. Not sure if you realized this is the NEW Lakewood.

  13. When did the custom not to listen to music during sefira start?

  14. Please turn around and go elsewhere u fabisana kalte litvak!

  15. SHULCHAN ARUCH HARAV 933 End of Seif 5 quotes the Shita.

  16. Almost every single one of the Lag Baomer celebrations in Lakewood tonight are absolutely not due to the new developments in Lakewood.

    Fact Check: True.

  17. Who do you think brought the gashmiyus you mention to Lakewood? The same people that brought the fires.

    1. Actually not at all the same people.
      Who do you think brought the Sinah to Lakewood? That's the question.

  18. To the one who is upset that someone said there is no heter for music lag baomer night this has nothing to do with hate it’s a fact it’s assur and the arizal holding both halves doesn’t help you either you still need 33 consecutive days

    1. There are shitos that hold 22 days as mentioned in other comments here.

      The reference of the arizal was regarding that "the Chasidim" made Lag Baomer a YT.

  19. There were many Chasunas last night. They are Somech on miktzas hayom kekulo by starting only after night starts. In general we don't do that but here many maintain that the dying stopped by night already.

    1. My previous comment explained why they wait till after night starts.
      There are some that argue on the Elya Rabba and maintain that if haircut is permitted than kol shekein Chasuna

  20. Who says haircut is permitted? The mishna berura says it’s not.

    1. Check you Mishna Berura again sir. He quotes "Kama Achronim".

  21. Stop complaining about hate because someone disagrees with you. You sound like the liberals that accuse everyone of being racist simply for disagreeing with them. Differences of opinion does not equal hate, happens to be in this case your opinion is against Halacha but an opinion nonetheless.

    1. There is nothing that I wrote here that's a personal opinion. Just because the Mishna Berura doesn't quote that Shita does not mean others don't say it. I quoted the sources above.
      The hate was in reference to the style of speech and sharfkeit that the amaratzim comments write here.

    2. Soon they'll be calling you a fascist
      Hang in there a little
      When you defend some place with a tradition you and your parents built over years in spite of everything and cherish dearly
      it's natural since they dislike that they call your language "hate "

    3. There's DEfending and there's OFfending. Mr. Cohen should know the difference.
      Most commenters here seem not to know the difference. AT ALL.

  22. When I grew up in Lakewood over 30 years ago there were Lag Baomer fires, notably by Krishevski on 8th between Private Way and Lakewood Avenue, which was packed with people from all over town, and slowly over the years other Shuls too. Some Chadarim made bonfires during the day while others went on trips to the local parks or other activities.
    Many things have changed in this town since my days here as a child. Bonfires is not one of them though. There just wasn't as many but there wasn't as many people here then either. Many many things grew in numbers in Lakewood since then, including every level Yeshiva and school , which includes every type too. There is much less of a reason to go out of town nowadays.
    Many new things and ideas did come to Lakewood in the last few years. A lot of it bothers people like me and others that grew up in a town on different ideals. But bonfires on Lag Baomer is just not one of them.
    I'm sorry to the newcomer that arrived here only 20 years ago and is really made to feel that since his arrival the town belongs to him and he's the one that built it. But the facts of history are not on his side. I am here and my parents are here for many many more years than that. We have done a lot to build this town in its spiritual sense. Many many new things that are anesthesia to what we actually lived here for bother us to no end. But don't confuse that with bonfires on Lag Baomer.

  23. Interesting you think Lakewood belongs to you because you live here 30 years. I’ve actually been here for over 40 years and a generation before for many more years. You don’t seem to be understanding the comments here so it would be a waste of time to respond to you.

    1. I don't claim to think that anywhere belongs to me. But complaining now about things that have been going on for decades, just doesn't make sense. The only difference now and then is that now there is more of everything and that now you know about things in this town that seemingly you did not know about till now, probably due to your looking at the internet for the news. You can continue not knowing what's going on in Lakewood just like it seems you've been doing till now just fine.

    2. There are many things that changed in this town (or seem to have changed although not necessarily) in the last few years. Some are due to growth and some are due to demographics. All I was saying was that bonfires on Lag Baomer was due to growth and not due to demographics. You can go through the whole list of the ones that were in Lakewood and you'll see that most of them are not by new developments or by people from the new developments. Do your research on that. Fact is we had it here all the years in Yeshiva neighborhood.
      There are many other things here that changed for the worse for other reasons though. And I'm referring to things that are very against how we were brought up here in Lakewood (which btw is just a few years younger than you if you do the math and I'm from the younger ones in my family if that makes much of a difference to you, not sure why it would though.)

  24. The amount of fires has certainly grown due to demographics. BMG grows exponentially every year and I haven’t noticed more fires on 6th or 7th street so it’s not BMG’s growth. Secondly you missed the boat, nobody complained about how many fires there are, someone questioned the heter for music lag baomer night and that is very very questionable at best.

    1. It seems that you did not follow the conversation but that's fine.
      Check the mishna brura that quotes the malbushei yom tov and the elya rabba. Check the the graz end of seif 5 in his explanation of the shita. And on that basis there are many that make chasuna that night and that applies to all other Halachos of Aveilus too (although there are others that say that chasunas is more kal because it's a mitzva. Which according to many includes even when one was already yoitze. Because of ktzas mitzva. But the point being that's it's not only reshus like haircut rather it's something more, which would also apply for the Simcha of Reb Shimon)
      Regarding your proof that it's demographics and not growth that you wrote viha raya it's not all on 6th or 7th. So first of all there is more on 6th in case you missed it . Second of all expansion is growth and not necessarily demographics. If all fires were in oak and vine and belz etc then you may have a tayna. Problem is its not. It's by the people that are around here for pretty long. You may just have missed them by being in your own bubble till now, I don't know. But most of these Shuls are around for around 20 years already minimum.

    2. Ok I found it. May 18 2002 5:48 pm. And between me and you, we all know that that is everyone else's issue too, as is pretty obvious from many other comments.
      The Halacha part was answered pretty much right away with the source and Sevaros. But that was obviously not the real issue here. No-one commented about the Chasunos that went on that night as posted on a different post although the Mishna Brura everyone's quoting seems to say it's Assur.
      No reason to make believe. The feelings under there comments are obvious. And my point was that all warm feelings towards your town should be forwarded to the things that are actually new here and problematic.
      Hatzlacha Rabba.

  25. Wow there were more fires on 6th street? I didn’t know there was a fire by BMG, I wish you would have told me before. The point is not how long the shul making the fires are here (besides the fact that most fires are NOT at older shuls like you claim) but I don’t want to raise your blood pressure any more so I will stop here. Thank you for watching over Lakewood for us for 20 years. You’re welcome for the 30 years I did before you came.

    1. No-one claimed there ever was fires at BMG.
      You just don't know how long these Shuls are here for as I mentioned it seems you lived in your bubble for many years.
      Again playing your how long I lived in Lakewood game when totally taking out of context what I was saying regarding that. But again you obviously can't follow a conversation if you can still think I'm here for only 20 years. It seems like you're not too much older than me (age wise) and I was born here in Lakewood and my parents lived here all the years and I'm from the youngest in my family as if this makes any difference.) if you really want we can go through the history of all the Shuls on the list when and where they started. But when one is not seeking honesty and truth rather just bashing others and patting themselves on the back that they're the best then facts won't make much of a difference.
      And all of a sudden now it is about history of Lakewood and not only strictly Halacha. The garbage smells already.
      And btw my blood pressure is fine. Got it checked along with all other vitals.

  26. Oiy the chassidim are playing the race card. Nebach such victims.

    1. You're also only just looking for a source in Halacha??

  27. There's more to a Hashkafa than being in a location
    In a well-known long-term Kollel out of town, I told them the place has the smell of the old BMG
    More than BMG itself nowadays

    1. My point was don't blame the new developers and new developments etc. When this specific thing is actually old Lakewood just expanded.

  28. It’s not old Lakewood or the new developments. The whole world became more chassidish and likes exciting events like fires on lag baomer. Fact remains that it wasn’t always this way.
