Sunday, May 29, 2022

Sunday May 29 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: Cloudy early with peeks of sunshine expected late. High 78F. Rosh Chodesh is Tuesday tefilas Hashla begins tonight 

-Adirei Hatorah update: Organizers are asking of the oilem to please sign up to the waitlist asap so that they have your information and can get ahead of whatever arrangements  in advance. Including a possible  change of  venue Text the word ‘ticket’ to 848-289-1233 and follow the prompts

- Hespedim tonight for Rav Leibel Gruber ztl at his B"M Zichron Yoel 1014 Lawrence Ave 8:00 pm. Maspidim Rav Yeruchom Olshin shlita, Satmar dayan of Lakewood, bnei Hamishpacha

- House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's husband Paul is arrested for drunk driving in California

-Adelphia Yeshiva alumni gathering this afternoon at the yeshiva.

- Hachnosas Sefer Torah Chestnut shul 1:30

Memorial day weekend expect heavy traffic on the GSP.

- Sunday before Shavuos shopping no major sales ahead of Yom tov especially on dairy items due to inflation and supply chain issues.

- June 7 Republican primary elections heating up in Ocean County as Lakewood Toms River residents are bombarded with mailings and robots calls with both sides accusing each other as fake conservatives.

- Adirei Hatorah looking into venues an hour from Lakewood.

- Lakewood Planning Board turns blind eye more Here at FAA 

-A jury has found New Jersey resident Timothy Hale-Cusanelli guilty on all five counts related to his participation in the January 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol. He will be sentenced September 16.

- List of winners Oorah Auction Here

- Inflation: Bingo raises prices on bakery items and discontinue option to bye 2 for a sale price

- Rav Meir Mazuz, rosh yeshiva of Yeshiva Kisei Rachamim, spoke against the current Israeli government “They are bad people. We are waiting for them to pass from this world,” referring to Yair Lapid, Avigdor Lieberman and “all their friends.”“They are traitors to their people. They despise their people. They’re actually worse than the Nazis. The Nazis loved their own people. These hate their people. He called Bennet a Chazir.

Raved of Beitar Rav Braverman shlita visits the Lakewood Rosh Yeshiva Salita Harav Malkiel Kotler shlita


  1. *Follow FAA's WhatsApp Status*

  2. Isn’t r Weiss raavad beitar?is this one from the prushim?

    1. two positions. gaavad (rav weiss) and raavad (rav braverman)

  3. I'm here in Lakewood today visiting from Teaneck. Seeing and experiencing the drivers here no surprise about all the accidents. I haven't seen such aggressive and reckless driving in quite a while. Will you all please just take it easy??

    1. Oh Mr perfect driver from snotty North Jersey you must have never done anything wrong can we watch you drive just for one day and see what a safe a courteous driver you are.

    2. Can you please elaborate a bit more. Its very nice of you to just come to our town for a couple of hours and conduct your "traffic study" (will you suggest we install a traffic light @ first and Clifton?) How about meeting the locals find out about the extreme frustration that goes on over here - with the out of control building which no-one wants which causes hours of daily traffic to the average person! how about conducting your traffic study over a few month period try driving around especially south of the 9 try making left turns. I think you may come to understand our "Aggressive" driving habits. by the way Lakewood is a migration of many places from around the world with people who I'm sure had the same passive driving habits as you - until they tried driving around a few months and things magically change..

  4. Sunday is the worst day to drive in Lakewood. All the out if towners visit from up north and create a driving nitemare.

  5. Why don't we just accept what Anonymous from Teaneck says without reacting like children arguing in the schoolyard? We all know that he/she is right about the terrible driving in Lakewood. Lakewood natives complain about it all the time. And here on Hefkervelt it's been a reason to criticize (rightfully so) our local govt. for allowing this to happen. So calling the Teaneck commentator snotty or saying the out of towners are responsible for the horrible driving in our town may sound good, but we all know it's a bunch of baloney. We all know this comment was absolutely right.

    1. I suspect that the commentors here suspected that Mr Teaneck had a bit of a chip on his shoulder, giving mussar to the inconsiderate Lakewooders from his high tower of MO yashrus.
      I suggest that our friend from Teaneck spend some time in Lakewood where he might notice some areas that Lakewood has greatly surpassed other towns (limud hatorah, tznius, chessed).
      While he stays here, he might also notice that the bad driving habits of the Lakewooders stem from a large degree of frustration at the inability to get around town in a normal fashion due to the out of control building without responsibly upgrading the road infrastructure. Thanks to the greed of the town developers and the lack of leadership from our elected officials. In this regard he might take pride that this probably wouldn't take place in a MO run town

    2. Sorry, but my post had nothing to do with religion, degree of frumkeit, MO vs anybody else. I made no mention of any of those, so why would you think I was commenting on any such matters. You are the one making such judgments based merely upon the town in which I live !!

  6. It's not the local drivers fault it's the corrupt local government that force them to drive on dangerous roads after ignoring critical infrastructure improvements

    1. Doesn't justify the aggression and lack of middos.

    2. I drive with derech eretz. I even stop for garbage in the streets.

  7. why don't they just go back to charging the BMG students - Are they all really going to show up with their free admission?

    1. Oorah did that when they gave out Siyum Hashas tickets. If you didn't show up they had your cc on file to charge. The oilom showed up. Big time.

    2. BMG can't just charge people's cc without permission. Nobody promised to come just because they signed up and certainly nobody promised to pay them a penny for not showing up.
      They wouldn't steal like that.

    3. Steal? Why would a talmid hayeshiva reserve a seat for free and then not use it? THAT would be stealing because the yeshiva would be able to sell that seat otherwise.

    4. 1. It's not stealing
      2. People in Yeshiva think that their Kollel check depends on signing up, even if they don't want to go. They have no choice.
      3. They can cancel the whole non-event. Nobody will suffer at all.

  8. I think the balebatim who aren’t getting a raise now and are payi by tuition and taxes should get free tickets! #workinglivesmatter

    1. farbisener baal habos. Probably from Teaneck.

  9. Did I strike a raw nerve? What do you have against balebatim who help you pay your bills?
