Sunday, May 15, 2022

Preparing for Adirei Hatorah Event

Adirei Hatorah Asifas Rabbonim 

 from Mint Media 

Roshei Chabura Asifa

Adirei HaTorah: Roshei Chabura Dinner from Mint Media on Vimeo.


  1. Do the people that will support this initiative need inconvenience all? Why not just give what they’re gonna give and call it a day

    1. Either you are classic old fashioned or too
      altruistic for 2022

  2. First of all, a big chelek of the Maamad is a siyum hashas (with tosfos) learnt collectively by the Yungeleit of Lakewood Leiluy Nishmas Rav Sheiner ZT'L as a token of Hakaras Hatov to his son. I'm sorry if such a thing is an inconvenience to you.
    Second, these don't just want to drop off a check and go, so to speak, they want to show honor to the Bnei Torah that they're supporting. You want to disagree on how to honor someone? Go ahead. But they're doing it the way they think will be most most honorable and beneficial for the future. Hatzlacha.
