Thursday, May 19, 2022

Hashkafa Q&A

 Hashkafa with Reb Gershon Ribner shlita

Lag Baomer celebrations: Are Yeshivaliet being swept in by the Chasidim A youngerman's financial strategy for marrying off children Identifying alternate forms of missionizing in our midst (last year) The most critical responsibility that the women are charged with A Rebbe's deficiency in Torah may turn off many Talmidim


  1. He totally missed the question about the Lag Ba'omer bonfires.

    If kosher 'letouts' are necessary, make them and call them that. But to make up a minhag, and sanctify it with the name of a Tanna, is objectively wrong. It isn't any more a kosher 'letout' than watching a movie.

    And the fact is, there are plenty of kosher 'letouts', it's just a canard people have on us. We have summer camp and sports, chassunos and Shabbos and Yomtov. People go swimming and biking, hiking and singing. If there is a need for more, make more. But most of us have not been mekabel this minhag of bonfires, and we have no right to hijack Rashbi for our own purposes.

    1. Agreed, well said. He was purposely avoiding the question. I think he agrees too but doesn’t want to address the question

  2. His answer about a yungerman marrying off his kids I don’t think is for the hamon am. Most have to do hishtadlus and was surprised he didn’t say that.

  3. personally
    i like the old format where titles were represented as questions
