Monday, May 30, 2022

Minyanim for Mincha with Yom Kippur koton ער''ח סיון תשפ"ב

Please post additional minyanim or corrections in the comments section

-Satmar Forest ave  1:40, 2:30, 3:30, 4:30 every hour till shkiah

- Ishay Yisroel 110 Miller Rd 1:05

-Kol Shimshon 1:45 pm in the BM

-Somerset walk- Mincha Yom Kippur Katan 1:25 pm    

- Central court shul upstairs 7:00 pm

-Hearthstone Tiferes Shmuel 1:15 (941 Princewood Ave)

-Chateau Park  (before shkiah sometimes)

-Lev Avos 1:20 pm

- Prospect Square 317 Blanche at 7:00 pm

- Kol Aryeh Hope &14th 1:30 pm in the Bais medrash

-Alumni B'M 9th st 1:45 pm

-Arlington 1:45

-B"M Westgate 1:15

-B"M Kelmwoods westgate 2:45 pm (Ezras Nashim open)

- Mordys Shtiebel 7:40 pm

- Ashford Jackson 6:20 pm

- Lakewood Residence courtyard shul /1st between forest and madison-direct entrance to shul) at 7:30 pm (45 minutes before shkia (ezras nashim Open too)


  1. Tal L'Yisrael 477 James St 7:15

  2. Somerset Walk YK Kotton a 1:30 and 7:00

  3. Hearthstone shul 630pm. Upstairs. 911 Hearthstone dr

  4. Kol Shimshon at 7 pm

  5. PSA : Mordys shteible 15 Delaware trail Lakewood is having at 7:40
    not at 6:45 as posted
