Sunday, May 15, 2022

News Photos Videos

B"H found at 4:00 am in a shul on Madison ave by Chaverim members
2:00 am  search for 2 Boys ages 12 yrs who are missing in Lakewood first responders searching with members of Chaveirim PD and lcsw in the somerset County line arwa.

Sefiras Haomer Sunday night
היום שלשים יום שהם ארבעה שבועות ושני ימים
Kiddush Levana last opportunity tonight by 11:42 pm 

Lunar eclipse begins at 10:30 pm Blood moon will be visible 11:00 pm turning back at 1:23 am 

Address Hatorah event at Eagle Ridge

At The Krias Shma Leinen for the son of the Sadigura Rebbe in Bnei Brak
Pesach Sheini Seder with Nadvorna Rebbe

Pesach shining seder at Krechnif Kiryat Gat

Sadigura Krishma Leinen

Stealing the Afikoman

Afikoman bag by kretchnif


  1. Did he not keep pesach rishon?

    1. Many have the minhag to eat Matza on Pesach Sheini.
      It is well known that in Nadvorna the minhag is to also eat maror and do koreich since the pasuk al matzos umrorim is actually by Pesach Sheni.
      They also do yachatz and sing songs of Geula.

  2. Why isn’t it a baal tosif problem

    1. I'm not sure if you're joking or serious.
      Do you know anything about Bal Toisif?

  3. You seem to think yourself knowledgeable so why don’t you enlighten us and share from your wisdom

  4. A random act is not considered Bal Tosif. Even if that act is a chiyuv at a different time. For instance shaking the 4 minim in Teves. When it's connected to the mitzvah you run into problems. I.e. Taking 5 minim on Sukos.
    Making holes on your Shtreimel and hanging strings on them is not Bal Tosif. Tzitzis on five or three cornered garment is different story

  5. Doesn’t seem random. It’s prescribed by torah law. But only when you’ve missed the first. Unless u tell me matzah on its own is meaningless for pesach sheni

    1. Random in context of bal tosif. Read previous comment in full.

  6. hi that is not the nedvarna rebbe it is the rebbe of heichal baal shem tov in yerushalim i was there

    1. Are you sure? It doesn't really looking like him from last time I saw him other than the color of his beard.
