Thursday, May 26, 2022

Adirei Hatorah Update

 Adirei Hatorah Event for Cure Arena has sold out. The organizers are looking into the possibility for a larger venue in NJ that can hold a larger crowd


  1. If I didn’t get a ticket where do I eat supper that night??

    1. For once you can eat at home with your wife and family. Ok?
      Narishe taynos.

  2. How about a hook up to Lake Terrace

  3. Every Yungerman knows that if he does not buy a ticket, his Kollel check is in danger. It does not mean he is actually planning on going.
    I hope our Yungeleit have more pressing things to do than to go to 'events' with no purpose or need.

    1. Do you care to elaborate on your opposition to this event. Seems to me that an evening of appreciation for individuals that were responsible for such a tremendous monetary chizuk for bnei torah should have the support of the said bnei torah.
      But then, I'm just a simple דעת בעל הבית, perhaps you who is יגע בתורה במסירות נפש could enlighten the rest of us.

    2. It is not being promoted to appreciate the donors. Rather it is masked to be an appreciation for the yungeleit.

    3. 10:23 you obviously do not learn in Yeshiva. In all the signs in Yeshiva it was not for the Yungeleit. Read the letter from the Roshei Yeshiva and use your brains if there is even a tzad not to go. (The line under the blown up words)

    4. JB,
      If you're a simple דעת בעל הבית or not isn't relevant.
      In my family, all the yungeleit are planning on going to show support & appreciation to the Roshei Yeshivah and wonderful donors.
      Clearly, many yungeleit feel the same way you do.

    5. Ok obviously this guy does not learn in Yeshiva.
      The Yungeleit do not need to buy a ticket - it's free for them.
      The many many yungeleit I know are going and very much think it's the right thing to do.
      I think that's it's daas baal habayis kanaus to think not to go.

    6. I am not in yeshiva so am not privy to the signs there. However the videos of the Rabanim and ambassador events (and the news sites & papers that reported on them) clearly state by the organizer (Heineman - CEO of BMG) that it is specifically not a fundraiser.

  4. Lake terrace and Bais faiga would be perfect. I'm sure the lavish meal will workout much better for me this way, sitting by a table watching the hookup

    1. What's your issue with the food?

  5. How about opening the event to all klal yisrael and go for a MetLife crowd ?
