Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Wednesday 12 Tishrei September 27

 Weather: 65° Cloudy early with peeks of sunshine expected late. Tonight partly cloudy low 55 there should be a nice Levana.

- Election filing documents obtained by FAA News reveal that Rabbi Schnall's campaign office is... Township Committeeman Meir Lichtenstein's office! In essence, the guy behind Rabbi Schnall's campaign is Meir Lichtenstein! This is extremely revealing as to any agendas as Mr. Lichtenstein is the one pushing for all the overdevelopment - which causes additional traffic-congestion and increased taxes - in Lakewood. More

Erev Yom Tov showing heavy rain all day into the evening with showers later on for the 1st night Sukkos.

 Israeli citizens entering the USA can now do so without a visa.

 Shopping traffic in Lakewood near all plazas

- Bus with 50 children flips over near bait shemesh they were on the way to see preparations for sukkos in the bet shemesh neighborhoods 

- Powerball jackpot $835 Million drawing tonight 

Sukkos shopping:
Mefoar suka center 939 River Avenue
Daled minim shuk at Clifton Ave parking lot off 10th and 9th streets
Shuk at Blue Claws stadium parking lot
Westview shop at Todd Plaza open till 10pm

- Ned Thompson campaign: "Our community deserves representatives who stand up for integrity and accountability. Rabbi Avi Schnall Needs to call for Senator Menendez resignation. "We're dedicated to ensuring our streets are safe and secure by implementing a zero-tolerance policy that aims to deter and eliminate repeat offenders. The connection between Rabbi Avi Schnall and Governor Phil Murphy within the Democratic party is deeply troubling. Mark your calendars for November 7th to make a difference! VOTE Republican!

- Unsustainable Lakewood school distric needs to borrow an additional $93 million to stay afloat it would be on top of the $165 million the district has borrowed since 2014. It has only managed to pay back $42 million. That would bring the district’s state debt to more than $198 million, an amount unlikely to be repaid anytime soon App reports. Lakewood currently has eight times as many students in private school, 42,307, as public school, 5,164. Even though Lakewood says it can’t pay its bills without a loan,....Just last month, the district approved a $22,000 raise for its superintendent and its board attorney earns more than $800,000 per year, among the highest in the state. The auditor review stated that Lakewood’s special education costs are among the highest in New Jersey, noting that 33.4% of students are classified “special education,” the second highest in the state and more than twice the state average of 15.9%. As presented in the 2023-24 district’s budget, Lakewood is set to spend $138 million on private school-related expenses. Those include $27 million for private school transportation; $55 million on resources for private schools such as security and technologies; and $53 million in private special education tuition. These expenses are state-mandated. See full report at Appm

- A ruling by a New York judge that Donald Trump had committed fraud  leaving the fate of his business empire dangling in uncertainty  was a “devastating” blow for the former president, legal experts said Tuesday night. If not successfully appealed, the decision will revoke the Trump Organization’s “business certificates,” preventing him from conducting business in the Empire State until the revocation is rescinded.

-  Viral Audio: Drasha from Rav Gewirzman of the Coventry kehila. Are we living within our means? crunching the numbers they don't add up.


  1. The fact that Rabbi Gewirzman's speech has gone so widespread and shared shows how relevant it is and how people are feeling choked. I don't ever remember seeing so many personal requests for help to make yom tov.
    Don't let anyone fool you otherwise, this situation is a direct result of actions our president and team have taken.

    1. "direct result of actions our president and team have taken"

      A few short days ago we proclaimed בראש השנה יכתבון מי יעני ומי יאשיר
      Neither Biden nor Trump are mentioned there.

    2. So exactly which policy of Biden's caused this? Laptop, Afghanistan, plagiarism?

    3. Don't let anyone fool you otherwise, this situation is a direct result of actions we as a community and on an individual level have taken. [With the government's actions contributing to what would happen regardless.]

    4. This aint about a president or anyone other than you and your spouse. You can choose to follow the herd, live above your means, or to say NO when you can't pay for it. That's what we did for many years until our situation eased somewhat. I cared more about what Hashem thought than what my neighbors thought. If he was okay with my old suit on yom tov because I couldn't afford a new one, I was fine. Truth be told, my neighbors never cared either. It's all in the mind. Live within your means, distinguish between needs and wants and only spend on needs and Hashem will help you meet your monthly budget.

    5. And so why was Paroh punished? While yes this is a result of our actions, the fact is that there are actions the President took, from cancelling oil contracts, reversing regulation, tariffs, minimum wage, Ukraine war funding, and more that have led us into this predicament.

      If we go with it's all in hashems hands, then we should spend without regard. How does our spending affect the outcome if our lifestyles are predetermined?

      You can't have it both ways.

    6. "Say no when you can't pay for it" What if the thing you can't pay for is tuition?

    7. That's the number one burden crushing the middle class. Most of the population.

    8. ""Say no when you can't pay for it" What if the thing you can't pay for is tuition?"

      Great question.
      So here's what I did when I couldn't afford the tuition that I was being charged. I paid as much as I could in small payments again and again. There were some years that I couldn't pay the full balance, but since the tuition collector always reached me when he called and since I always showed sincere desire to pay and paid whatever I could, every one of them was understanding and did not pressure me to do more. When I hit a windfall (e.g. stimulus money for Covid etc.) I gave it to the yeshiva and that helped me. It's all about showing that tuition is as important to you as it is to them. When you make a good faith effort, you'll be treated with respect.
      When you ignore the calls, don't return messages, ignore the bills and emails and don't show up to the dinner, you're toast. Nothing upsets them as much as this and I don't blame them.
      I never developed an antagonistic attitude towards my children schools. I went out of my way to thank them and to praise them. I wrote a note of thanks to the principal almost every year. When they asked for volunteers to make calls or to speak on their fundraising video, I did it with a smile. It was the least I could do to show my gratitude.
      People who do this never need to worry.

    9. Perhaps his affiliate on Madison should drop their bent to the "haves" who use them
      instead bend to the avg. yossi

    10. ab - you should have a warm drink and stop reading fake news. The federal minimum wage hasn't changed since 2009, so Biden has nothing to do with it. Oil contracts made no difference, Biden didn't put any tariffs on anything, that was Trump. Regulation makes life better for us, and I don't know what Ukraine has with anything. Anyway, it is stupid for you and me to have absolute opinions on an international conflict that we cannot understand and don't have the information about.

  2. Powerful drasha by Rabbi Gewirtzman
    The societal pressures are the source of the problem and have been left to go out of control
    Going away for sukkos and pesachbis now the norm and if you stay home your left to feel like a neb if your not flying off to Orlando or Israel
    The media that keeps pushing high end clothing homes and gvir culture is also at fault
    So are mosdos who engage in over the top fundraisers and Parlor meetings with cigar Rollin meat cuts and the latest craze have contributed to this machula that has infected frum lifestyle.
    We need leadership to lead by example and call out this behavior and people also have to keep low profile and push their wealth or extravagance on their neighbors or freinds from shul.

    Lakewood stores besides a select few are not catering to Simple people they are catering to the top 20 30% making it unaffordable for everyone else.
    It is time for a reset like what was preached during covid

    1. Every word you write is sheker.

      Going away for Pesach and Sukkos is not the norm. Very few people do it.

      The 'media' pushes any ad that is paid for, cheap and expensive, for all tastes and budgets. You choose what you want to read.

      Lakewood stores cater to their customers, and those that don't want to buy expensive clothing, don't.

      Stop blaming others for your mistakes. It's not leadership lacking, it's your eyes.

    2. Every word you write is wrong
      You are obviously out of touch but there's a few hundred thousand jews going to Orlando you have NO IDEA of the pressure it is putting on families
      But in general you are totally wrong as leaders throughout the centuries made takanos in their kehilos for these specific reason of societal pressures for those who can't help themselves. The media and stores or anyone with public influence has an ACHRAYUS and responsibility to the klal. So do those who do it to their family members or neighbors.

    3. A few hundred thousand Jews going to Florida? All from Lakewood? You need a reality check. You may feel pressure, but that is a product of your low self-esteem.

      The takanos were never about where to take a vacation. They were about communal responsibility, like kidushim expectations etc.

  3. Is there a place to find rabbi gewirtzmans shiurim online? TY and a gutten kvittel

  4. Rabbi Gewirtzman is spot on. There’s inflation and then frumflation- we are experiencing both. Food prices went up so tuition was raised so that our teachers and rebbeim can afford food, babysitter and playgroup prices skyrocketed so our Morah’s can afford to pay tuition, business need to give their employees raises so they can afford the babysitters and playgroups, the businesses have increased payroll so they are late in paying their rent, the landlord of the office building can’t afford their mortgage payment this month because the tenant is late on rent so they begin rent increases on all their properties, one of their properties, which is owned by a food manufacturer must now further increase their prices in order to afford the new rent. And so the cycle continues…

  5. Maybe the Aderey Torah should stop going out for supper to Sear, ornthe Hunks should stop buying there 2 year old kids Italian shoes for $300

    1. They don't have 8K/month mortgages or 850x2 car leases, nor do they pay 8500+/kid tuition, so it's they that can actually afford a 150$ steak.

  6. Unfortunately, unless someone speaks to the young people who are constantly at restaurants and getting take out and expecting the high end clothing (otherwise they will feel like a neb) and need expensive activities when school is out, and then pressure their parents to provide it, nothing will change. This Sukkos chol Hamoed will require funds for 5 days of entertainment. What a bloody fortune

    1. Seasons pass tickets at six flags was for sale at $60 a pass
      Guess we’re my kids are going to chol hamoed

    2. I don't know how many kids you have, but supposing 2 adults and 6 kids, that's $480 for the family. And then my kids will come home from school wanting to know why we couldn't go on a "normal" trip like your family!

  7. Come to the Yeshiva neighborhood, where people live the lives of the simple and happy, where Chol Hamoed trips means Turkey Swamp Park with the cousins, where children enjoy time with their parents, without the distraction of entertainment. Where people aren't checking what others had, and where the most extreme vacation is to take place.

    Not because it saves money, not because you can't afford it, but because people know 'less gashmiyus is a recipe for happiness and greater ruchniyus'.

  8. Frumflation is real. Stores in the frum areas and salaries among frum have gone up disproportionately as compared to the goyishe world. This is a ridiculous situation.

    1. My salary didn't go up

    2. Same here. I'm making the same as before with my expenses at 200%

    3. Many people milked their bosses which caused then to raise prices.

    4. Milked their bosses = demanded a fair share of the profits they generated

    5. You can call it milking or profit-sharing, whatever you want, but the fact remains that as salaries are pushed ever higher, the prices will follow. I've been forced to raise employee salaries more than 15% over the past year and although I've tried to keep my prices low out of consideration for my customers, I have no choice any longer but to raise them - and a lot. It's the only way I'll stay in business.
      Not sure who to blame, but those are the facts and they're true everywhere, not only in my industry.

  9. It's all over the frum community. In Williamsburg over 5k families took boxes of food and essentials from charity

  10. He’s 200% right and spot on if you have extra give it to people who are struggling instead of blowing 2k going to Orlando

  11. "Come to the Yeshiva neighborhoods.."
    What a bunch of BS! I don't come to the " Yeshiva neighborhoods" because I'll feel too embarrassed that I'm not driving a 2023 car, and don't wear $3,000+ shietel, not to mention only the best designer dresses, toped off with a $1,000 price of jewelry

    1. I live in a Yeshivish neighborhood (in Jackson). We both drive 15 year old cars. BH we are dressed nicely, but no 3k sheitel (it has been a few years by now). We buy new furniture when the old one breaks, same goes for appliances. My children are not spoiled and believe it or not they do not feel deprived. We are happy and proud of how we live. My way of life is the way I want to live. I actually had a very good paying job for a few years and nothing changed in how we live.

  12. You probably have no idea where the Yeshiva neighborhood is. You’re probably referring to some of the young yungerleit that are driving fancy cars, and that’s part of the big problem. The previous commenter was referring to people that live within a few blocks of yeshiva, go knock on some doors and see for yourself what the 1980’s looked like.

  13. What a load of silliness. Wealth was always something looked up to, poverty was shame and looked Down at. Are we trying to recreate society so it fits our personal circumstances, That is snowflake mentality coated in a layer of frumkeit. Absolute ridiculousness there is always something someone else will have and you won't. he's either smarter luckier Richer Then you at the moment and then you Might have your moment of glory. And on a frum note Is a hedonistic lifestyle okay as long as you can afford it or as long as your community can afford it? As long as you call it mishugaas??

    1. Wealth was looked up to, by the lower echelons of society. Bnei Torah should be above that.

    2. False red herring

      Gashmius, in all varieties, is a condescension to those overtaken by our baser needs, attempting to make others treat as a virtue out of what should understandably be a disgrace.
      Hardly something to defend for anybody of substance.

      The Lutzker Rav put it when asked: we also could build an grand edifice like R Meir Shapiro. But We Don't Want It.

      By the way, As a leading RY out of town put it a short while ago:
      when he was here in the late '70s people, even if they were somehow able, were embarrassed to drive a nice car.
      It meant you weren't serious.
      Still does.

    3. The rabbi is obviously adressing people who are not bnai Torah since those who are, are not going to have the problem in the first place. The problem is today that everybody feels comfortable calling themselves bnai Torah without walking the walk. Wealth is an honor and it is and has been always looked up to Yes. The kesser Torah is a much greater honor a completely different level!

    4. Na'ar ha'yisi v'gam ..
      The greisse menshen of my youth never ever valued people for wealth
      They, at most, valued people acc. to what they did with it -without fanfare

    5. No one is Talking about value we're talking about Wealth being A tremendous bracha. And that's why we all daven for it more times than you can count...... chaim shel osher vekavod For example.... And no it does not translate to anything else but money..... People who learn sacrifice all of this world for the next, But that's the that does not mean this world has no value whatsoever. birchas yitzchok and yaakov and moshe were about this world....

  14. All comments about managing by living simply are based on previous housing prices and mortgage rates.
    Unless I’m missing something(HUD?)it is technically impossible to purchase a house in Lakewood, pay for 5 children’s tuition on regular, above US average salaries-that’s two salaries.
    Do the math and prove me wrong.
    If the people who feel it’s their responsibility to yell about the crazy influenza going around would address this issue, by arranging new housing in cheaper areas, I would take them more seriously as people that care about rhe tzibur.
    If adirie Torah would pay 10,000 to cover free rentals for Kollel people in an area that is cheap, it would go way further then covering around 15% of a current mortgage in Lakewood.

    1. Most definitely Lakewood is a has been for those who are serious about learning on so many levels it's about time we realize that. it's time to move on.....

    2. Really? BMG is the biggest מקום תורה in the world! Although there are some unserious yungerliet, the vast majority are true בני תורה and עומלי תורה. Having moved to Lakewood five years ago, I'm still in awe of the amount of לימוד התורה that takes place through Lakewood every single day, not just in BMG.
      To call Lakewood a "has been" for those who are serious about learning is truly silly.

    3. You're obviously not a newlywed trying to make ends meet....... From housing to play groups to tuitions It is simply impossible.

    4. That is correct. I'm a ridiculously hard-working adult who tries to support a large family with single and married kids. I'm aghast at how much money that takes to do. I fear for my children who are having their own kids now. No idea how they'll do it.
      No clue how young couples remain in learning full time unless the wife works full time and earns a large salary.
      Having said all that, from the standpoint of Torah, there is no place like Lakewood anywhere in North America in terms of the amount being studied, and the dedication of those who study it. It may be existing on open miracles, but it existing it is and to call it a "has been" is simply wrong.

    5. Similar to yerushalyim, where the younger generation moves to beit shemesh kiryat sefer elad etc
