Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Tuesday Sept 26 News Updates Lakewood

מחרת יום הכיפורים תשפ"ד
 Weather: 61° steady light rain this morning. Showers continuing this afternoon Chance of rain 80%.Coastal flood advisory for the area from 4pm to midnight
Sukka building weather Wednesday is looking to be a clear day, thursday some rain, erev yom tov  rain all day

- Tonight: Mass looting in Philadelphia center city after charges dropped in a fatal shooting  last month.

- Powerball Jackpot at $835 Million drawing tomorrow night 

- Senator Cory Booker calls on menendez to resign while reports say NJ First Lady Tammy Murphy is being encouraged by some Democratic leaders to consider a run for the seat now held by Robert Menendez

- Heavy gridlock traffic in Lakewood this afternoon at Cedarbridge/Clifton/Pine/New Hampshire/rt 9/rt 88/Cross/Central 

- How much rain did Ophilla bring to Lakewood? as of Monday morning In Lakewood, 3.03 inches of rain was reported. Jackson: 3.28 in. Monday morning, Toms River: 4.40 in. 9 a.m. Monday

- Submitted: S'chach CAN NOT be put on the sukka if a awning/shlock is covering your sukka when you put on the s'chach. Mitzva lifarseim.

- Local Lakewood yeshiva falls victim to financial scam more 

- Sukkos bein hazmanim begins the vbochrim are back from yeshiva, special bein hazmanim learning programs in neighborhood shuls serving breakfast and other refreshments 

- Fialkoff's pizza coming to Jackson at 740 Brewers across from Ritas and NPGS 

- Bingo open nightly this week until 2am until erev yom tov

- A busy election season coming to Lakewood right after yom tov Lakewood residents have begun to receive vote-by-mail ballots for the upcoming general election. this election has new fresh candidates locally there's an open seat on the township committee and 3 challengers for the BOE seats; R' Hershel Herskowitz is running as an independent candidate for Township Committee.
R' Hershel emphasized to FAA News that originally he did not plan to run this year, however, he agreed to throw his hat into the ring because numerous community members highlighted to him that this year specifically there is an open seat being vacated by Mike D'Elia and therefore he would not be running against any incumbent, a factor that caused previous election runs to look like "fighting." For the assembly lakewood resident Avi Schnall is challenging incumbent republican assemblyman Ned Thomson who has supported reb osher ben Chana frumet. Reports are it will be a tumultuous campaign more 

- Menendez vows to fight allegations “I recognize this will be the biggest fight yet. But as I have stated throughout this whole process, I firmly believe that when all the facts are presented, not only will I be exonerated, but I still will be New Jersey’s senior senator.”

- BDE: petirah of R’ Yehuda Leib Klahr z”l, talmid of yeshiva Torah Vodaas Lakewood/Monsey levaya at 11:30 AM at the Lakewood chapel off 7th street Lakewood, NJ
Shiva is at 419 Carey Lakewood 


  1. A gmar chasima toiva! Important! S'chach CAN NOT be put on the sukka if a awning/shlock is covering your sukka when you put on the s'chach. Mitzva lifarseim.

  2. i think i speak for many in lakewood, when i say that we will wait for the what the vaad tells us to do in elections as in general i dont follow politics but DO follow Daas Torah and i have hakaras hatov to the vaad for helping me with a HUD application

    1. That's why 70% of Lakewood ignored the vaad in last elections when they endorsed Murphy and they followed their daas Torah also. Stop with pushing your daas torah against others..
      The vaad no longer is relevant as long as they are not appointed by the people through a fair election process and no members are allowed to have any monetary gain from the taxes like the lcsc
      You speak for nobody but yourself

    2. The Va'ad is a group of Ba'aeli Batim. If you claim you follow Da'as Torah, then attribute that to Ba'alei Batim, you are the opposite of a Da'as Torah follower, you are the one Reb Elchanan was talking against.

    3. An even bigger # sat on their hands.They weren't completely ready to totally have ignored the Vaad back then
      They're ready gung ho ready

    4. Typical, its always about how you gained personally (w your HUD issue) and not whats best for the klal as a whole. (Agav, Most Vaad Members are living in tax exempt homes.)

    5. I am low income and get HUD so property taxes are not nogea to me.

    6. Anon - 11:23 - you are right. Everyone should vote for the candidate that is best for themselves, don't let anyone take away your vote and use it for the 'klal'.
      Even if there was any method of verifying that the Klal indeed will gain from your vote this way or that, you do not owe them that.

      If everybody started to vote their own interests, instead of voting the shita, we would all be a lot better off.

    7. If so how come we needed a Vaad or the OU or Agudah to tell us what are our own interests


    8. Always backfires.
      Been there "own interests", done that
      Always backfires.
      sooner or later. Then the whining comes.

      When we vote for larger aims the politicians value us

    9. Vaad helped u with hud application?!?? Sincerely, when do they fill out hud applications? Was it AK that filled it out ?

    10. The Va'ad, OU and Agudah tell you what their interests are.

      Vote your interests, not Hunter Biden's or Ivanka Trump. Who has policies that benefit you? Immigration is not your worry, neither is the DOJ's investigating Trump. What's best for you? And you only.
      You choose a plumber based on your own needs, you choose a landscaping company based on your needs. Choose your politician the same way.

      No shitos, only practicalities.

    11. "No shitos, only practicalities"
      Who made that up
      Show us a source maybe please


    12. Mishpacha #970 R"ch Av articles by Avi Schick and Yaakov Menken on why voting narrow interests or gelt are a bad idea

  3. I think I speak for many in Lakewood, when I say that I will vote AGAINST Avi Schnall, who brought an unmitigated disaster on Yidden in NJ through his Jackson lawsuits which helped antisemitism flourish.

  4. If you don’t mind elaborating on Ned Thompson’s support for R’ Eiseman? I don’t recall any statements etc. on the other hand a random Senator Joseph Cryan was the one that demanded we look into the Prosecutor!
    So now he did a campaign walk with Schi and people are falling for it??

  5. Hershel You are out of your mind. Or really our minds. You say out whats on all our minds......Go Hershel go!

  6. Why is everybody so anti Schnall? What am I missing? Without bashing him [its the day after Y"K] can someone politely explain what positions he takes that I shouldn't vote for him.

    1. First of all because he's running as a Democrat joining a party of רשעים רוצחים who are bringing sdom and amorah to our communities that's for a start

      The sinas Yisrael it is already causing among the neighbors of republican Ocean county look how the surrounding towns are responding putting us in potential Sakana

      Challenging a republican incumbent who was nice helpful to our community going against what even the vaad always preaches Hakoras Hatov to incumbents
      He is the face of Jackson lawsuits even if it was right but there's animosity to the olam

      He's not supporting Arthur Lang in bringing tuition relief to Lakewood

      There will be letters of support by the moetzes and Lakewood rosh yeshivas but in the past elections people don't buy it and or simply stay home and don't vote

      And if he's promising vouchers in democrat liberal new Jersey
      There's a bridge in Brooklyn or by now Toms River

    2. They're ready now
      The Vaad is as good as dead
      the candidate could possibly be good for your daughter's birthday party


    1. Nothing yet, this is still a work in progress.

    2. Not According to the USDA https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2023/09/26/2023-20294/child-nutrition-programs-community-eligibility-provision-increasing-options-for-schools

  8. fyi for those who already put up their schach with the awning on, you can lift the mats (or what ever schach your using)up and put it back down no need to remove all and put back up

    1. 3 Tefachim and the whole piece of schach has to be lifted at the same time.

    2. Mishna Berura 626:18 writes what to do. Don't trust anonymous commenters

  9. Most probably will help the cheder/ bais faiga they just got thrown off the program.. very likely may help lots of schools…

  10. Ask your local rav about the schach issue

    1. If you find it difficult to learn Mishna Berura by yourself, by all means, ask a Rav.

  11. Why didn't hefkervelt publish the terrible chillul Hashem on Y"K that happened in Tel Aviv in EY? I completely didn't know about it until the gedolim referenced it as a reason that the war started and how we are all at fault for not doing teshuva and mourning the terrible chillul Hashem that occurred when secular yidden disrupted and desecrated YK tefillos.
