Monday, September 25, 2023

Motzei Yom Kippur 5784 Lakewood

 A Gut Kvittel
לך אכול בשמחה לחמך כי כבר רצה אלקים את מעשיך

- Weather tonight 58° Rain early...then remaining cloudy with showers overnight. Chance of rain 90%.

Tomorrow 61° Cloudy. Some light rain is likely. High 61F.Chance of rain 70%.
Wednesday and Thursday clear Friday erev sukkos heavy rain all day

- Motzei Yom kippur learning seder at BMG Bais Aharon Liluy Nishmas Harav Chaim Stein zatzal

- Daled Minim shuk open tonight at Blueclaws stadium parking lot 10:00 pm

- Daled Minim at Clifton ave Parking lot open tonight  10:00- 1:00 am

Correction Bingo NOT open tonight 

- A bus lost control and rolled back outside the Wolfson Yeshivah in the Bait Vagan neighborhood in yerushalayim in front of Wolfson yeshiva B”H there were no injuries. Talmidim said it was in the zechus of a seder limud motzei Yom Kippur.

- Rav Boruch Mordechai Ezrachi had a private minyan in the hospital over YK it was the first time he did not Daven Kol Nidrei and Neelah in Yeshiva. Continue davening for Boruch Mordechai ben Hinda Malka.
Rav Moshe Hillel Hirsch after Yk

Kiddush Levana at Ponovezh

At the Kosel Motzei Yom Kippur


  1. fyi bingo is not open tonight!

  2. From the quoted article from Rav Moshe Sternbuch " People start laughing at Yom Kippur, making demonstrations against people keeping Yom Kippur. One would have thought that we would make demonstrations for Hashem’s honor which has been desecrated, they are completely mecharef and megadef (blaspheming), we are obligated by halocho to tear our clothes, but we keep quiet… We would have expected that there would be a big response from Jews all over the world. The din is that even if you did not see or hear a giduf (blasphemy), but only heard from someone that there was a giduf, you have to tear your clothes. It is an obligation mide’oraiso to tear your clothes if you hear that there was such a chilul Hashem. People are very cold today. It’s very dangerous. "
