Thursday, September 14, 2023

Thursday 28 Elul News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: 78°  Abundant sunshine
Rosh Hashana weather sunny with high of 79 

- Tehillim Please daven for Chava bas Chaya Esther  a girl who was critically injured in an accident last night at Rt. 70 and Vermon she is on  a a Coma. Her other friend broke her collarbone and her ribs. Her best friend and her mother have serious injuries

- Powerball jackpot  drawing on Rosjh Hashana jackpot is $596 million 

- First son Hunter Biden was indicted Thursday by special counsel David Weiss on three counts of illegally possessing a firearm while addicted to drugs. The charges, which carry up to 10 years in prison, are the first to be filed by Weiss against the 53-year-old in his special counsel role and the first since a plea deal with Hunter’s attorneys collapsed publicly during a July court hearing.

- Tehillim Please daven for Chava bas Chaya Esther  a girl who was critically injured in an accident last night at Rt. 70 and Vermon she is on  a a Coma. Her other friend broke her collarbone and her ribs. Her best friend and her mother have serious injuries.

- Bingo will have kaporos on tzom Gedalya for only $5 a chicken 

- whitehouse press secretary asked about the impeachment probe into Biden: "House Republicans...have turned up with no evidence. None! That he did anything wrong...! That's because the president didn't do anything wrong!"

-NJ Doh announces The new COVID-19 vaccines are available in some New Jersey locations and should be accessible statewide in the coming weeks,The CDC said it is recommended for everyone ages 6 months and older.

- 30th assembly election  APP reports the Lakewood Vaad has not made a decision on who to endorse as the vaad has supported the Republican incumbents in the past. Candidate Avi Schnall is challenging Republicans Sean Kean and Robert Thomson.
“The Vaad is open to both parties, we always support those candidates we thought would represent the Lakewood challenges and issues,” the  spokesperson for the Vaad said. “The Vaad has not made up their mind at this moment, we are open to hearing all of the candidates and learn their positions.”Schnall, , said he is taking a leave of absence from his post at Agudath Israel of America and will decide after the election if he will return to the job.

- Video getting ready for the yomim noraim and sukkos at Judaica plaza Here 


  1. Chava bas Chaya Esther

  2. I have always followed the Vaad on elections but am not sure I would this time as I see nothing wrong with the incumbents and to me it seems the Moetzes has not been consulted on this election.

  3. He is wrong they do deliver just not to him or us. They deliver contracts they deliver tax abatements. They deliver Free land. See cedarbridge development That's one big delivery just not to the citizens of this town

  4. Hey Hefkervelt! Why are your promoting the clotshots? Who is paying you! Bye Hefkervelt. You are compromised like the the rest of the Jewish websites. So sad.
