Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Hashkafa Q&A

Hashkafa with Reb Gershon Ribner shlita

Internal nobility may detract from a pleasing outward appearance Why and when will a responsible parent look away from smoking Bnei Yeshiva's attitude towards davening in a shul of bal habatim The pressure of Davening for the Amud Dealing with a physically abusive stepmother


  1. The smoking issue ignores an important point.

    A bochur is in Yeshiva to learn and to sharpen his mind that he can know how to learn in the future. If a bochur smokes, and justifies it, he is warping his own mind. The krumkeit that smokers come up with to justify their behavior (I must admit, I am remembering my own mindset as a bochur, and I am embarrassed of it) must have a detrimental effect on their minds.

  2. Wrong
    Bochurim need an outlet. Not everyone is capable of sitting all day sharpening his mind.
    Smoking is a kosher outlet, does not affect ruchniyus. Sports playing isn't really an option for BM bochurim and is probably more detrimental to their learning than smoking is.
    Most (98%) will have quit by the time they are 30, so the health affects aren't as bad

    1. Why isn't sports playing really an option for BM bochurim? How about using drugs as an outlet too? I'm not Mr. Anti Smoking but for the bochurim who need an outlet no way is smoking more l'chatchila of an outlet than say playing ping pong. It would be a lot better for a yeshiva to have a basketball league than a (unofficial of course) smoking club. There are far more more poskim who saying smoking is assur than some of the other outlets Yeshiva Bochurim are discouraged from taking up.

    2. not sure how you can call it a kosher outlet considering the health risks

    3. Compromise: Vape & strum a guitar

    4. Right. When a person farkrums his head with stupidity like 'bochurim need an outlet', he cannot understand a Reb Chaim properly. Which is the main reason to stop bochurim from smoking.

      If he needs an outlet, let that outlet not be something that warps his mind with krumme sevaros.

  3. to daven with balei batim is a big issue as they might negatively influence you and show some thoughts and thinking against daas Torah, too many are jaded away from the koslei of the beis medrash and it is a sakana to daven with them a long davening outside of a mincha or mariv

    1. As much your trying to be sarcastic, there is a lot of truth to your comment

  4. Wouldn’t the yeshiva guy want to daven with those that support him? I don’t get it

    1. Hashem is the one supports those in Yeshiva. And the Baaley Batim too I'm nowhere near Rabbi Ribner's position on this issue but I agree that a Ben Torah should not daven in the shul of those who think that those who are Torasom U'mnosom should daven here because we "support" them. I'm someone who Rabbi Ribner would tell you to stay away from me and my general haskafah as well.

  5. After reading your comment I would also tell people to stay away from you.

    1. Go right ahead. I would be happy to have you and your type do so...
