Thursday, September 21, 2023

TAG Update on Whatsapp Channels

 The following statement was sent out by TAG regarding the release of WhatsApp channels feature.

Dear Fellow Community Member, 

As you probably have heard, WhatsApp has rolled out a new feature called Channels. With the advent of Channels, WhatsApp has changed from being predominantly a messaging app to a social media app similar to many others. 

Coming in the middle of the Yemei HaDin, this is a stark reminder of how any app can change overnight. An app which was considered relatively safe by many people has suddenly become highly problematic. 

Baruch Hashem, requests are coming into our offices worldwide from individuals and businesses alike to block WhatsApp entirely since Channels were released. Mi K’Amcha Yisrael! 

For those who will continue to use WhatsApp: 

TAG International has been aware of this issue for a while and has been working proactively to create viable solutions for this latest threat. Currently, MB Smart and Netspark are able to block this feature for Android users. Gentech and Techloq are working on a block as well. MB Smart also has a partial fix for iOS. Please contact your local TAG center to find out more. 

Please note: These solutions are being tweaked and perfected as we speak, since it was not possible to test solutions before the feature was released. Please be patient with your filter as they work in real time to develop protection. 

Accepting terms and conditions for Channels will possibly make it more difficult to block this feature, so please avoid doing so if possible. 

In the zchus of the mesirus nefesh of so many Yidden, may the Shomer Yisrael bentch us all with a גמר חתימה טובה. 

Rabbi Nechemiah Gottlieb 

Director, TAG International

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