Monday, September 4, 2023

Monday 18 Elul September 4 News Updates Lakewood

- Weather: 92° Isolated thunderstorms this morning, then partly cloudy during the afternoon hours. Hot. Chance of rain 30%.

- Today Monday is Labor Day, a federal and state holiday. government offices and banks are closed. No mail delivery, or regular FedEx and UPS deliveries. BJ’s, Target and Walmart are open. Costco is closed. No trash pickup

 - The U.S. reported more than 230,000 new COVID cases this week, up 25% from last week and the highest since March. A spokesman for NYC's health department  said that wearing a mask may be a 'good idea' in crowded indoor areas this weekend when people are expected to congregate in large groups for the holidays.

- North Korean leader Kim Jong Un will travel to Russia this month to meet with Putin and discuss a weapons deal, the NYT reports.

- Hachnosas Sefer Torah to BM Yagdil Torah Rabbi Lowie procession leaving 4:45pm from 910 E Kennedy 

- The New York Times published an opinion piece this week suggesting that the millennia-old Hebrew language represents “far-right Israeli militarism,” drawing ire from Jewish organizations and advocacy groups.

- Girls still not in high school with first day of year tomorrow. Some schools not ready to open tomorrow due to building issues

- New weekly magazine launched this week The Lakewood Vibes distributed free at Local shopping plazas and supermarkets see first issue HERE  Lakewood Vibes is an advertisement publication that enables local businesses and individuals to reach thousands of readers every week. The publication is "full-color, on-target, and chock full of interesting articles".

- Agra D' Pirka learning this morning at 10:30 am. at B"M Kol Chaim 618 Caranetta Drive, Harav Yeruchom Olshin Shlita, hachana for Yom hadin , Rav Shlomo Haberfeld shlita Tekis Shofar

- Visa and Mastercard, are set to raise their credit-card fees which merchants pay when customers use the credit cards for transactions, according to The Wall Street Journal. Though these charges are generally borne by merchants themselves, a small portion of it is transferred to customers. The fee rise is reportedly expected to set in from October for online transactions and April for commercial credit, debit and prepaid cards, with online purchases being the most affected by these increased fees.

- Israeli yated wanted to give the title of Rashkbahag to Rav Dov Landau shlita but he refused saying such a title is for someone like Rav Chaim Ozer Grodzensky ztl instead they gave him a title of Rabbeinu 

- Dr Anthony Fauci has been branded a 'fraud' and a 'liar' in the media this week after admitting there is now a lack of evidence to suggest wearing a mask helped stop the spread of COVID. He was roundly slammed over the weekend after he said 'the data are less strong' now.

- A nearly 10 year long project to construct a 5-story Courtyard Marriott hotel on Pine Street and New Hampshire Avenue remains entangled in heavy litigation, with another round of oral arguments at the New Jersey Appellate Division just scheduled to be held on the matter later this month. more at faanews


  1. Newspapers don't decide on who the Gadol Hador is.

    1. The newspapers report the news. If the news is that someone is the gadol hador, the newspapers will report that too. Nothing wrong with that.

    2. You are correct. Agudah votes on who is.

  2. Oh Yes they do, having been doing so for decades it's almost the mesorah. Yated is famous for assigning hagaon , maran etc to those it deems fit and removing the titles when they don't tow the line

  3. Psa close to 20000 yidden gathered last night in nyc 2 weeks before rosh Hashanah in a disgraceful display of mixed dancing mixed seating non tznius dress and kol Isha of thousands singing calling it a elul concert to prepare for yom hadin
    Hashem should watch over us and not let this event be a kitrug on klal yisrael.

    1. Pretty sure Hashem knows it happened, but thanks for letting us know how frum you are and how you have the correct dei'os.

    2. How is this a PSA? If it really bothers you, go in front of the event and try to talk people out of it.

    3. for the majority of the yidden that went this was an aliya & inspiration , what for one is a step down can be a step up for another

    4. @Anonymous 9:56AM How do you know how these women were dressed or what they did at this event? Sounds like some personal teshuva might be in order here first.

    5. @Anonymous 1:34AM. I have no idea. I wasn't there. What about you. Were you just passing Madison Square Garden by chance yesterday or did you watch it online? Or did you actually go?

    6. The problem is even deeper than you think.
      Before one song, they blew Shofar. And the Shevarim was a Lubavitcher one, with three sounds and a little one at the end.
      How dare they? We need to do some serious Teshuva.

    7. If you aren't interested in a Kkitrug on Kllal Yisroel don't mention the concert. If you believe those who went were doing something wrong find a way to be dan l'kaf zchus. No one who would go to such an event would stay home or better yet spend their time in the Beis Medrash because of what anyone here is going to say.

    8. Enough from you on this issue. Get over it already. It's your way or the highway, right? No room for other opnions.

    9. Sorry this was a Bnei Akiva event that was pushed on and promoted to the Lakewood community and publicized in the frum media. Their standards are not ours yet the ads lured our children and community to attend assuming it is acceptable. It's a chutzpah and kitrug for what was done and must be stopped again in the future

    10. And the way you stop it is by protesting every day on hefkervelt. Seems like a highly interesting well thought through strategy.

    11. Churbonos happen because people refrain from being mocheh

      So to the contrary

    12. So the real goal isnt to prevent any future concerts but to just protest for the sake of protesting. A veritable professional communal agitator. Where have we seen this before. Maybe you should run for president next as well.

    13. When was the last time you did anything different because of an anonymous online maachah?

    14. There were plenty of chasidishe men and lakewood types at the concert we have been compromised our walls have been breached

    15. Im so happy that for you elul is so simple. While the rest of hefkervelt is doing cheshbon hanefesh, learning extra, giving more tzedakah, davening more you have figured it out. What do you need any of that for. All Hkbh wants from you is to post a machaa once a day on hefkervelt and all will be forgiven. What do you even need rosh hashana and yom kippur for now? Just go straight to sukkos

    16. How do people know who was there? Did they normally pass by Madison Square Garden on their way to the Beis Medrash or only yesterday?

    17. Everything is shared today on social media
      And don't start with the dumb argument of why are you on the internet bla bla

    18. The chazal made a takana to fast 3 days after yom tov when the leviim sang because of potential hirhurim since there were ladies in the balcony but the experts here know better and have no problem with 15000 people in a public mixed event participating in a chilul hashem

    19. So go fast for 3 days if thats what you feel hkbh wants and stop bothering hefkervelt. I am making a machaa about the machaa. Is that how this works? Do I win the get out of gezeria free prize now?

    20. Why does it bother you so much obviously you don't want to acknowledge that a terrible event went on in the frum world
      What would you have done at the seudas achashveirosh or at the misyavnim

    21. I would have come on to hefkervelt and posted every day. Thats exactly what Mordechai and Yehuda Maccabi did. Its written in every mussar sefer that this is the avodas hayom.

    22. That is actually what Mordechai did and he was mocked for giving Musser.
      But Please explain how going to the event at msg was justified

    23. I don't understand some commenters here.
      If you are too busy in Beis Hamedrash to comment, that's fine.

      But some people are here, whether we like it or not. They had a choice whether to use their comment to condemn something that is wrong or to make fun of those condemning it. Why shouldn't it be condemned? Mixed concerts were once beyond the pale. And I think we all understand why. Chazal tell us already that Kalus Rosh in mixed company is dangerous. This concert was objectively wrong, for all Yidden. Especially for Yidden who should know better.

      And the organizers made a business cheshbon and advertised in Lakewood, showing us that there is a market for this in Lakewood. Is that not terrible? Should we not be ashamed? Is it not a reason for us to make a public cheshbon hanefesh and wonder what is happening to a younger generation? Why aren't they happy with the lives with which they grew up, which would be horrified at a mixed concert?

      Difficult questions, and leitzonus won't answer them.

    24. Mordechai told the people who were going to the seudah not to go. The people here didn't advertise, didn't sing at the concert, and I am assuming most of the people here weren't even there. You are also not mordechai hatzadik and clearly have never learned the halachos of giving musar. You are shouting in to the wind. Learn the netziv's pesicha to breishis if you want to learn how to be better and not cause further kitrug.

    25. Bringing out of context tipshus irrelevancies to weaken the klal
      Much appreciation for those who got out to be mocheh

  4. Building issues and school issues even r elya brudny left the board of rabbis. There is no rabbis on there rabbinical board now

  5. Dr Anthony Fauci has been branded a 'fraud' and a 'liar' in the corporate mainstream right wing nut media for years now. After all, he refused to kowtow to King Trump, and he refused to bend the science to support the 'more testing = more cases' claim.

    1. What happened now is the mainstream media ie. CNN has come to the realization that yes he was a liar from the start. There never was science and they just made up stuff as they went along to fit their agenda. He was called out on it now. But yes for most of us we knew it all along, including his lying about the origins of covid, which the Senate hearings already called him out on.

    2. He may have been somewhat mistaken,but he went out on a limb & tried.To save lives.
      Which possibly makes him better than most of you

      & Back then others were attacked for the contrary-for doing "nothing"

    3. He wasn't mistaken. He was just reveling in abusing his power. I realized he was not a good trustworthy person when he kept shooting down every potential cure and way to work around Corona without coming up with a single one of his own. He was in that position to help fight Corona. Not to make rules that only say "no".

    4. So by now it is settled - more testing = more cases. If we wouldn't have tested so much, the Novominsker Rebbe would still be with us.

  6. What’s this adireinu campaign about? Why do they need more money?


    1. How can we trust the chinuch of our children with mosdos who lie
      Where is the ehrlichkeit where is the emes

    2. You are correct, you cannot trust them. The problem is we are presented by a catch 22 situation.

    3. Everything is lies it's all about money and power

  8. Who says I do? I didn’t ask you for any

  9. Please stop reporting Covid cases. Its ridiculous. News outlets hyping up regular seasonal diseases are going to be the cause for hysteria and subsequent restrictions

    1. Excuse me , acquaintances just got it
      Hopefully they are recovering BH
      Stop with your callousness.
      All of you will have answer for it in A week & a half

    2. Ditto to the previous response. Acquaintances of mine - at least five - have had it recently. Stay safe.

  10. Stop with the fear mongering. We are all done with Covid. Fauci and fools who listen to him could continue wearing masks while the rest of us move on with life.

    1. Ahh..who made mention of masks?
      You [plural] will HAVE to answer on the other hand for your callousness in a little over a week. Good luck

    2. Except for those who, you know, died from covid already. They're having a tiny bit of trouble moving on.

  11. We need another ad magazine because? Because BP and the Voice and all the others aren’t enough? Kind of overkill.

  12. Who remembers when Lakewood was against concerts?

    Now we have the Adirei Hatorah concert, under their auspices

  13. The chassidim need their own. They want us out of here

  14. Hahaha we will have to answer up for our callousness? Are you suggesting we will all be sick in a week? Will you also admit you are wrong when that doesn’t materialize?

    1. Most are aware of what is upcoming
      huh..a crank troll or aino Yehudi troll

  15. No pls tell us what is upcoming? On rh we will have to answer up for not wearing deadly masks? Are you out of your mind?

    1. There must have been a been a Ram's horn blown recently in your vicinity

  16. Yes in fact every day in shul mr harry. What does that have to do with anything?

    1. Tu b'shevat .Come we'll help you follow the services
