Friday, September 15, 2023

Erev Rosh Hashana 5784 Updates

 Weather: 72° Sunshine and a few clouds. High 72F.

- Chatzos 12:51 pm, candle lighting 6:47 pm Shkia/Sunset 7:05 pm

Rav Moshe Shternbuch shlita said over from the Aruch L'ner that historically years that Rosh Hashana came out on shabbos where either years of tragedy such as the churban or good years such as building the mishkan since there is no shofar blowing on the 1st day. He called on everyone to take upon themselves a kabala for shmiras shabbos and learn hilchos shabbos as a zechus.

- Lakewood shomrim: Important to lock your cars.

- BMG will have thousands davening over RH with minyanim in 6 Botei medrashim

-Lakewood car crashes for August  totals 451 resulting in 56 injuries including 15 pedestrians struck. Despite that the Lakewood Police Department recently did some undercover enforcement on pedestrian crossings, the total number of motor crashes - and specifically, the number of pedestrians struck - in Lakewood Township once again increased in August from July.(

Ami &Mishpacha magazines YT issue is $12.

- Shofar

To Hear shofar blowing at Kimbal hospital in Lakewood call 732-364-3441 before YT or leave a message at the front desk. se below for list of tkias shofar for ladies

- Mikva

Main Mikva at 11th and Madison will have police directing traffic in the area


As in previous years  the men will recite Tashlich at Lakewood Avenue via 5th street and the ladies will say tashlich at 2nd Street and North Lake drive.


  1. I believe the aruch lner says that, R' Moshe was probably quoting him

  2. last time this happened COVID 19 took over the world and we are STILL suffering.

  3. Fascinating Shiur from Rav Aryeh Leib Paretzky about some Gedolim blowing Shofar even when Rosh Hashanah falls out on Shabbos!
    Listen to the very end - a real Oneg Yomtov.

  4. Shocking tidbit nowadays
    They were Special men
    Not everyone is Gedolim
