Thursday, September 28, 2023

Thursday 13 Tishrei September 28 News Updates

 Weather: Cloudy early, then off and on rain showers for the afternoon. High 63F. Chance of rain 50%. tonight Periods of rain. Low 61F. Chance of rain 90%. Rainfall near a half an inch.

Friday erev Yom Tov 65° Thundershowers following a period of rain early. Chance of rain 100%. Rainfall may reach one inch. Locally heavy rainfall possible.  

Friday Night first night of Sukkos 58° Cloudy with periods of rain. Low 58F. Winds 10 to 20 mph. Chance of rain 80%. Rainfall possibly over one inch.

Sukkos shopping:
Bais Faiga Daled Minim open 12:00pm-12:00am
Mefoar suka center 939 River Avenue
Sukkah center on Teaberry st off w. County Line
Daled minim shuk at Clifton Ave parking lot off 10th and 9th streets
Shuk at Blue Claws stadium parking lot
Westview shop at Todd Plaza open till 10pm

Simchas Bais Hashueva planned for all yeshiva bochurim in Lakewood with the attendance of the Lakewood Roshei yeshiva , Rav Shlomo Feivel Schustal Rav Elya Brudny Monday night at Toras Menachem hall.

- Schnall for assembly campaign strategy launches ads in Lakewood publications telling everyone to go vote but nit saying to who. blaming all Lakewoods problems on the state and Burecrats in Trenton. Does not attack Murphy or the dem leadership ignores the Arthur Lang Court case and brings up Route 9,bussing and non safe state roads.

- NJ 12 News video of LPD swat team at Carasaljo Inn Here with yeshiva bochurim looking on
- 12:00pm updated 2 ppl were arrested in connection with the car jacking.
standoff with Lakewood police at the Motel on Madison ave and 5th street news crews are there with many onlookers. There was a carjacking earlier this morning near the bus terminal on main Street and the car was found in the motel parking lot near Satmar BM

- Bingo: side of salmon $6.99 baby salmon $8.99

- No winner in powerball lottery Jackpot rises to $925 Million. Next drawing 2nd night Sukkos

- Adirei Hatorah events last night in Lakewood 

- PSA: In previous years Lakewood township Public works garbage trucks came around at 5:00 am over Yom Tov  for garbage pick up in residential neighborhoods waking up residents sleepingbat home and in the sukka, this was brought to the attention of the Township Committee but nothing has been done. If you live in a area where garbage pick up is on Shabbos reach out to Lakewood DPW or call 732-905-3405 ask that trucks come later in the day.

- According to a memo obtained by CBS News, three House committees will look into whether President Biden "abused his federal office to enrich his family and conceal his and/or his family's misconduct."

 - Rabbi Avi Schnall has suddenly decide to run against Assemblyman Ned Thomson, who has been in office since 2017. Election filing documents obtained by FAA News reveal that Rabbi Schnall's campaign office is... Township Committeeman Meir Lichtenstein's office! In essence, the guy behind Rabbi Schnall's campaign is Meir Lichtenstein!
This is extremely revealing as to any agendas as Mr. Lichtenstein is the one pushing for all the overdevelopment - which causes additional traffic-congestion and increased taxes - in Lakewood. Clearly, a vote for Avi Schnall is a vote for Meir Lichtenstein's unabated overdevelopment agenda. Rabbi Schnall is campaigning on catchy slogans of "safer streets and more funding for school bussing." The campaign is specifically highlighting that our state owned roads need to be made safer.  Curiously, "safer streets advocate" Rabbi Schnall has not once been seen advocating at the township boards for any safety at all. Faa news reports.

- Several NJ hospitals have reinstated a mask mandate as covid cases increase. Kimball hospital in Lakewood under the  RWJ Barnabas is considering masking.

- With Menendez Indictment, Cook Political Report Thinks N.J. Senate Race Could Be Competitive shifting its rating of New Jersey’s 2024 Senate race from Solid Democrat to Likely Democrat, indicating that the race could be competitive under the right circumstances giving hopes to the GOP.


  1. There's nothing "revealing" about the fact that Schnall and Lichtenstein are campaigning together. This is typical of local politicians from the same political party.

    1. It's actually revealing as it exposes a hole and the lies that the campaign will try to spin and market.
      if you read the article the hypocrisy is blatant as Lichtenstein is responsible along with Ray Coles and other committee members for the current conditions on Lakewood roads. They were in charge for the past 20 years and have ignored the plight of thousands of residents who came down over the years as the masterplan meetings begging pleading to stop the building until infrastructure improvements are done,instead lakewood today is a parking lot with pedestrians getting killed and injured on unsafe roads. For schnall to all of a sudden pretend to care about safety and start blaming the state is not only ludicrous but a insult to Lakewood residents who were used and taken advantage of. Schnall going to the state ain't gonna change anything.

      As for getting more money for busing and for Lakewood schnall and Lichtenstein have not supported Arthur Lang in his lonely battle over the last 9 years while Lichtenstein and his buddies raised their salaries and increased taxes on Lakewood residents but thousands of dollars.
      We won't be fooled
      Vote out local politicians who did this.

    2. I appreciate the support, but I must say that Meir Lichtenstein has supported the litigation since 2014. He was one of only a handful of people in 2014 that wanted to hear what I had to say when I announced to a group of 100 school leaders that I was filing. In fact, he is the only elected official that recognizes the litigation, which is a shame. I might be wrong, but I think if the BOE would support the case, then members of the Township Committee and our legislative delegation would publicly advocate for us. We are now in a position in which our legal efforts have stalled and we need to wait for the commissioner to come out with some kind of needless report. There is no question that the governor is calling the shots. The stakes are too high. The matter is way above the commissioner's pay-grade. It just would be nice to have some political support, in addition to the Senate leadership (Sarlo and Ruiz), who have already acknowledge our victory, and asked the commissioner during the budget hearing how much money they need for Lakewood as a result of our win. Maybe, and I say maybe, the governor would settle if we had the political support. He likely is trying to delay the matter until his term expires but should we reach the Supreme Court by then, and win, his successor is going to have to deal with litigation from half the districts in the state. A Lang

    3. half the districts in the state or they'll just have to give up their bussing and pre kindergarten, etc. But no way give up their basketball teams and football teams.

  2. Rabbi Schnall is campaigning on catchy slogans of "safer streets and more funding for school bussing." Pretty weak reason for him to run. His chances of accomplishing either of the two as an assemblyman are not that much higher than his chances of doing so as a lobbyist claiming to represent the frum community and their votes. Without the downsides of him actually running.

  3. Here is something to consider before voting for Schnall. If he doesn’t deliver on his promises, or worse, if he messes up you are never going to be able to get rid of him. Look at all the current frum local elected officials. Is there any chance they can be voted out no matter what they do or don’t do?

  4. No one has scheduled trash pick-up on Shabbos (if they did, this would be a problem every week). This year’s Yomim Tovim should be quiet.

  5. Trucks come into Westgate shabbos morning

  6. You can't trust the politicians to be honest with the rabbonim and roshei yeshiva
    Just a few years ago when the tumult of the digital billboards took place the Roshei yeshiva were against it and called down one of the committee men who told them that the billboards have to be digital so better that it is under out control with frum ownership ..turns out it was a BIG FAT LIE. There was no mandate or ordnance forcing digital billboards in Lakewood it was all done to benefit certain individuals the township could have easily said No digital billboards allowed in Lakewood just like so many other towns don't allow it but they lied.

    So now that they claim to have backing from the moetzes and Roshei yeshiva they have no trust at all
    And who knows what kind of lies and fear mongering went on
    The same guys were there to stop the Yeshiva from reopening after covid and bullied the rosh yeshiva with fear mongering

  7. I have no opinion in this race yet. We need facts.
    How does Mr. Schnall expect to make the streets safer? Which strategies does he plan on employing? Can he tell us?
    How will he get more funding for school bussing? How much more funding? What will the price be for that?
    We need to ask the other candidate the same or similar questions. What is he offering us? How does he claim our lives will be better off if he is re-elected?

    Ask the same about any politician running for office. What are they offering us?

    Find one politician who will promise to support Lang's court case, and we can rally behind him. If you don't think Lang's court case is productive, rally against it. But it is a concrete solution to a real problem.

  8. Regarding the garbage trucks, you really have to know how to pick your fights. A little seichel. Leave it alone.

    1. I'm confident that either (1)you don't sleep in a sukka or (2) there are no garbage trucks waking you up. Requesting them to reschedule pickup for a few hours later is not "picking a fight" They can always say "no" if it's too difficult to accommodate.

    2. There's no traffic in Lakewood on Saturdays let them come later on.

      The dpw workers get triple overtime but should not be at the taxpayers expense waking them up

    3. You can ask nicely - don’t you think it’s a bit crazy that you are sleeping outside that the dpw workers now have to waste their whole Saturday picking up garbage instead of finishing by the afternoon so they can go to the beach etc.. speaking of the beach it’s supposed to rain so may as well wait till next year to vent…

    4. You are a מרחם על האכזרים

    5. No, I don’t see anything crazy about a guy who takes a job that requires working on Saturday not being finished by the afternoon. Do most people working Saturday have that schedule? Plus, if they are waking up so early to do their job they probably go to sleep, not the beach when they finish. I never hear anyone complain about their job NOT starting at 4:00 in the morning.

  9. who you should vote for? read this article before you vote!

  10. Schnall is a puppet for Murphy the dems are liars you can't trust a word they say. Even if they are promising tuition vouchers something they could jave done but never did or will do. They are using us to flip a seat and schnall is their chazer Fissell. There is serious potential Sakana to us from stabbing the Republicans in the heart.
    No moetzes or Rosh Yeshiva is taking achrayus for any potential harm this will cause to yidden.

    We must all stand up to this power grab and not be used and fooled by askans who have their hands tied or blackmailed
    This is no joke

    1. Don't worry. Republicans are the same liars. They are no better.
