Thursday, September 21, 2023

Events Thursday 7 Tishrei Lakewood

Rav Leima Wilhelm  will give a shiur on hilchos teshuva at 501 Ocean ave 9:45pm 

- Evening of inspiration benefiting zisels links at 16 Point circle Jackson with a in person chinuch Q&A  with R' Yaakov Bender and R' Nussie Moller

- Leil shishi kumzitz Hisoirerus for erev shabbos shuva at SmokeyHill bbq restaurant

- Chumash Shiur by Harav Yeruchiom Olshin shlita 11:30 pm at B"M Ateres Bracha live 646-726-9977

Bais Faiga Daled minim 6 -12 

Selichos tonight at the kosel


  1. Isn't it not allowed to have live music in a restaurant al pi din

  2. does that mean that a kumzitz is never allowed unless its a seudas mitzva?

  3. It’s time to limit the over the top parlor meetings.
    Since when do us men need to sit a parlor meeting table and drink out of glasses that cost almost $10 a set to rent.
    Or eat with silverware and on dishes that cost another $10 to rent.
    I recently made a simcha, and I turned down these options because it wasn’t within my set budget, and bh I have the ability to afford these things. It’s disheartening to come to an event and see that thousands of dollars was spent even before getting to the food.
    Food is another story, carving after carving. Food bar after food bar. Is it necessary? Do we have to spend $30-40thousand on an event to raise funds.
    If we are talking about an event where the Uber wealthy need to be attracted because they are writing $100,000 checks, ok I can Fargin. But what has happened to us? Why do we need to spend this much yiddishe gelt to raise funds.
    Me pondering out loud.

    1. Agreed 100%. First things first Gvirim don't need this for a mosad or a fundraiser. I stopped giving mosdos a long time ago. Honestly where is the money going. When people I know need their help they get $500-$1000. Or, they come up with some garbage excuse not to help people that don't fit in the criteria. People sometimes need serious help. Then the mosdos go out and make a blowout event or parlor meeting. But won't barely help anyone. OR waste money on some invitations that half the oilem isn't showing up to or sending gifts where that money can be used to help the recipients.

    2. If you allow the mossad to fundraise for a grand building addition they don't really need which will encroach on the neighbors's street rights, you can have an over the top parlor meeting.

  4. Yes, just like the BMG Adirim event in Philly! LOL

    1. I would consider that different.
      That was very tasteful and Bakovodik.
      We are talking about the parlor meetings that spend $50k to raise $65 k.
