Monday, September 18, 2023

Tzom Gedalia 5784 News Updates

 Monday, September 18, 2023 / ג׳ תשרי תשפ״ד צום גדליה
Weather: 70° Cloudy with a few showers. High around 70F.Chance of rain 30%.
Fast ends at  7:42PM (One who finds fasting difficult may eat at -  7:34PM)

- Donald Trump published a different kind of Rosh Hashanah greeting last night, "Just a quick reminder for liberal Jews who voted to destroy America & Israel because you believed in false narratives!" "Let’s hope you learned from your mistake & make better choices moving forward! Happy New Year!” Trump listed several actions achieved during his presidency for Israel and the Jewish people, “Wake Up Sheep. What Nazi / Antisemite ever did this for the Jewish people or Israel?” The post concludes jokingly, "Clearly one of the greatest antisemites of our time."

- Peta activists were at kaparos locations today around Lakewood with signs about animal cruelty and to use coins and not live chicken. 

- Daled minim today at Bais Faiga hall from 1:50 pm - 6:00 pm and 8:30pm - 11:00 pm
- Tat כפרות at both annual locations Ateres Reva ans Bais Aaron 2:00 pm - 7:15 pm $8 each
- Kaparos in Bingo 1-7 pm $5 each
- Jackson Daled Minim at Bais Shabsi today Pawnee rd 
- Over Rosh hashana in Ponovez yeshiva Rav Yisroel Eidelstein shlita son of Rav Gershon ztl tok over as baal tokea a position his father held for  70 years. 
- Several car burglaries were reported over R:H in Lakewood at the Oak and Vine area 

- Nshei Adirei Hatorah will take place  wednesday night at Tower 4 1776 Avenue of the states 
- Terror Wave in Israel Three Shooting, Stabbing Attacks in One Day

- Daled minim sale today at prospect vines shul- westgate simcha hall today 2- 6 pm 9-12am

- In a big win lauded by Jewish religious rights groups, the U.S.'s largest federal appeals court ruled Wednesday that Fellowship of Christian Athletes’ (FCA) student clubs can once again freely gather and hold events on public high school campuses because the First Amendment "counsel[s] mutual respect and tolerance for religious and non-religious views alike." faanews 

- Single women outnumber single men in New Jersey, according to newly-released Census Bureau data.


  1. Has there been any update lately on the shidduch crisis?

    1. Must be that the entire New Jersey has a freezer, which is obviously the cause, and fix, to all of this. Let's attack yeshivos!

      Or, let's cut out all of this stupidity of attacking yeshivos. Perhaps the Chofetz Chaim's sefer Shem Olam - based on today's haftorah - is a good place to look. Especially the last perek.

      We definitely care about every single - male and female - seeking to get married.

      We definitely care about every couple - male, female and kids - seeking to be married, and remain married.

      We definitely care about every person - male and female - seeking to be ovdei Hashem.

    2. Like covid, if you stop talking about it, it goes away.

    3. The Ami magazine a few weeks ago had a report from 2 actuaries who went through the numbers using Lakewood data and guess what there is no crisis because of numbers or age gap the whole gap is a few percentage points. They conclude there are other factors contributing but not the age gap not more boys than girls and not the yeshivos.

    4. Well put.Finally

    5. The Ami magazine article was full of problems. They were happy with 98% of girls getting married, not realizing that 2% is going to be a large number of people.

      Imagine, in ten years from now, when that number will explode. There will be hundreds of older girls around, who will start to feel the ground burning under their feet. What will they do then? Is there anyone around who is looking around the corner and seeing what the next step is and then the step afterwards?
      Twenty years ago, was when the numbers issue started to emerge. The numbers were smallish then, but they were there and they were only increasing. Is there nobody with sufficient farsight to figure out a plan here? Is there nobody who sees the urgency of the matter?

      People calm themselves with the foolish idea that 'by 40 they are all married anyway', as though that itself wasn't a crisis.

    6. The freezer is a red herring, it is not the solution. No solution will work unless it jumps the boys down a whole class or the girls up a class.

      But the freezer should anyway be abolished, as all Gedolei Yisroel were against it.

    7. Even if the age gap is not the cause - closing the age gap would still help! You don’t have to fix “what is causing the crisis” you can close the gap which will inevitably shrink the pool! Why is everyone so focused on what is causing the problem - you can still make changes that can fix a problem without knowing the cause - if you are diabetic you don’t have to know why you are diabetic- taking insulin still helps!!

    8. Reality! little details matter! One example is mental health women are far more susceptible sometimes twice as much to mental health issues, depression eating disorders etc. If it were only two percent more girls it would spell trouble because there's a boy crisis since they can't find a spouse... yes 5 percent are not marriage material Reality!

    9. It's true that women are far more susceptible sometimes twice as much to mental health issues than men but at shiduch age there are a lot more emotionally stable girls than boys. For a few reasons (1)these disorders usually start between 14 & 24 so a 20 year old girl is less likely to have than than a 23 year old age (2) PPD is a major cause of these disorders in women (3) a single girl has much less stress in her life than a mother of children or a guy living in the IRV. Therefore such issues are less likely to have been triggered by her

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  3. I think Reb Gershon had the job for over seventy years, not fifty as stated.
    The recordings of his practice sessions show him as a world-class baal toke'a.

  4. To all Trump haters:

    קבל את האמת ממי שאמרו

      Caveat emptor for his idiot orthodox supporters
      His inner Democrat is coming out

      A plague on both their houses

    2. What he personally holds vs what he thinks the government should be involved in are 2 different issues.

    3. "What he personally holds" - lol! K'ilu he "holds" anything other than pure gaavah and taavah.

  5. Does bingo give kapporos to Tzedaka?

    1. They can probably use the tzedaka
