Sunday, September 3, 2023

Maamad Adirei HaTorah Highlights Video!

 Adirei 2.0 Highlights video
 Highly Anticipated Maamad Adirei HaTorah Highlights Video!  JOIN NOW!
 It’s two weeks to Rosh Hashana. Two weeks until we stand in front of the Ribbono Shel Olam,
beseeching Him to grant us a sweet new year. We’re all looking for ways to increase our zechusim to be inscribed in the Book of Life. What better way to do that than to connect to Torah and be part of those who sustain the world with their learning? Today is the Day: Yom Adir The day when the world unifies to directly support our yungeleit and their families. By contributing every day, any amount, you are connecting to greatness and solidifying your commitment to Torah and those who learn it. This is how, no matter where you are, you can be in the Bais Medrash — enabling the Adirei HaTorah to shteig with peace of mind, being part of their learning, and reaping the eternal rewards. Because, if you’re part of Klal Yisroel, you want to be part of Adireinu. This year, as you enter the Yemei Hadin, stand with the zechus of the Torah World alongside you. Become an Adireinu Ambassador. Invest in eternity. JOIN NOW!


  1. Oh, ‘HILIGHTS,’ huh? Are you on a first-name basis with the lights now? But just so you know, it’s actually spelled H-I-G-H-L-I-G-H-T-S. You don’t need to introduce yourself to them; they’re already shining bright without your ‘hi’!”

    1. Take a deep breath and warm up your leftover cholent and have a beer. You sound a little stressed.

  2. Now even chuzuk for Kollel Yungerlite has to be sensational with stadiums, pro singers, disco lights etc

  3. what is the makor or mesorah for concerts by us and Hasidish havorah singing? my zayde in Europe told me the highlight of his week was having chicken bones in his soup and he didnt need all this constant chizuk, which is bittel zman.
